Can you imagine for a moment that a year from now, January 2024?
How do you want to feel? Can you put yourself forward in the future and feel exactly what you have achieved during the year?
Wouldn’t you like to be able to say to yourself, I really believed in myself and it paid off?
Skipping into the future mentally and imagining that you have already experienced what you want is a great practice to start now.
A large part of manifesting success depends on the clarity of your vision AND your ability to feel yourself already having what you desire.
Setting yourself up for the coming year emotionally and mentally is the best way to ensure your success.
I’ve never been a big believer in New Year’s Resolutions.
I prefer to concentrate on how I am working towards my dreams every day, regardless of the date!
When you combine your positive energy, alignment and focus, that is the perfect recipe for creating abundance and all that you desire.
Of course, knowing when certain astrological patterns are occurring is also important, and can greatly enhance your efforts.
There are some big cosmic changes coming in 2023.
Many of them will contribute to significant change and changes for all of us on the planet.
In 2023 three planets will change signs.
- Saturn enters Pisces.
- Pluto shifts from Capricorn to Aquarius.
- Jupiter shifts from Aries to Taurus.
These are all pretty monumental shifts that will certainly have an impact on the overall energy of the coming year.
The Fourth Eclipse of 2023
This year we have two super powerful Solar Eclipses and two slightly less intense Lunar Eclipses.
- Aries Solar Eclipse on April 20th
- Scorpio Lunar Eclipse May 5/6
- Libra Solar Eclipse October 14th
- Taurus Lunar Eclipse on October 28/29
Furthermore, the numerology of 2023 is the number 7.
The number 7 is a very spiritual number. It is related to the energy of intuition, introspection, the search for answers and spiritual wisdom.
Here are some specific astrological dates to note:
Mars goes Direct – January 12th
The red planet has been retrograde since the end of October 2022 but will go direct on January 12th.
Mars coming out of retrograde is great news for our energy levels, discipline and motivation.
It’s the perfect time to start moving forward with work projects and creative goals.
Saturn enters Pisces – March 7th
For the first time in almost 29 years, Saturn moves into the sign of Pisces.
This is great news. Pisces is a water sign, associated with intuition, creativity and compassion.
With Saturn grounded in Pisces, we may find it easier to put some of our more spiritual and esoteric ideas into reality.
We can feel extra connected to our higher selves and experience deeper intuition.
Pluto in Aquarius – March 23rd
Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth.
As you slowly move out of Capricorn and into Aquarius it means a shift in power.
Pluto in Aquarius is all about greater equality for all humanity.
On a world level it could potentially be related to financial institutions and governments.
On an individual level it can symbolize a personal rebirth.
Dismantling and demolishing the old, to welcome a higher frequency.
Aries Solar Eclipse – April 20/21
This will be a great manifestation eclipse!
It’s also the first time we’ve had a Solar Eclipse in Aries since 2015.
It is set to be an exciting time for creativity and abundance.
You are likely to be full of inspiration and energy to pursue your passions.
Jupiter enters Taurus – May 15th
Jupiter moves from Aries to Taurus and brings a more grounded and slower energy.
Taurus is the sign most associated with pleasure and money, so any of your wishes for more abundance can come true if you’ve been focusing your energy right.
Venus Retrograde in Leo – July 22nd
When Venus is retrograde we usually spend time reflecting on our relationships and finances.
Leo is the sign ruled by the Sun. It is a very heart-centered, joyful sign.
When Venus is retrograde in Leo, we may feel drawn to explore how we express ourselves and experience deeper heart-focused connections.
Overall 2023 is expected to be an exciting year of many changes and positive changes.
If you are feeling stable and grounded in who you are, you can look forward to aligning with your desires this year.
You may feel a stronger sense of self, reconnect with your deepest desires, and see through creative projects and entrepreneurial endeavors.
You can start a brand new chapter in your life, say goodbye to something outdated and toxic in your experience.
Whatever 2023 may bring, make sure you’re stepping into the highest version of yourself right now by projecting into the future and truly seeing and feeling your success before it happens.
Use these affirmations to help you get into that frequency now.
I am a money magnet.
I experience incredible strength.
I am a shining light in the world.
I give and receive unlimited love and joy.
I am filled with gratitude and appreciation for my beautiful life.
I am creating the life of my dreams.