Dragon Energy: The Year of the Yang Wood Dragon – 2024

February 10th, 2024 marks the start of the Chinese Lunar New Year 2024.

This year is symbolized by the Yang Wood Dragon. 

This is exciting because the Dragon is probably one of the most powerful and auspicious signs of the Chinese Zodiac, symbolizing power, courage, strength, and also peace. 

Dragons possess the magical skills of flying, swimming, walking, and moving between dimensions.

They are mythical creatures that carry a special energy for us to utilize this year. 

Dragon Energy 

Dragon energy works to bring out our wit, intelligence, and courage as well as giving us a greater understanding of the world around us, and grounding us in authenticity. 

As 2024 is also a very auspicious year in Western Astrology, with Pluto entering Aquarius, we can expect huge collective and individual awakenings, profound moments of intuition, and deep wisdom to unfold as the year evolves. 

Aquarius rules innovation and change, and so does the Dragon.

We can expect breakthroughs and structure changes in business and government, this will extend to us personally as well as affecting the entire world. Artificial Intelligence could play a very prominent role in the changes we see in the wider world.  

Wood Energy 

The element of Wood has a gentle, softening effect on all this Dragon energy.

You can channel that energy yourself, knowing that the Wood element lends a calm, quiet confidence to all the Dragon’s fieriness. 

Dragons quite literally breathe fire, so their anger can be fierce and spontaneous.

But the presence of Wood will lend strength and focus to that spark – allowing the Dragon energy to be directed towards building a stable foundation in whatever you choose.

Wood energy gives us space and time to grow, evolve, expand and best of all to stick to our greater vision throughout the year. 

Yang Energy 

The Yang energy represents being decisive and taking positive action in your life.

You will need to channel your own inner dragon and be bold and courageous. 

Yang energy can be a little too assertive at times, so while confidence is a plus, don’t go too far and get pushy with others. 

Think calm authority and respect for everyone, especially yourself. 

How to Channel Yang Wood Dragon Energy into your Life

Yang Wood Dragon energy is all about new beginnings and fresh opportunities. 

The atmosphere in 2024 is going to be perfect for starting new projects in business, undergoing new creative ventures, or simply thinking about where and how you can grow your life to reflect more of what you want. 

You are going to have confidence and strength on your side this year, and success will be yours if you stay grounded in yourself and take action from the heart. 

  • Take steps to boost your confidence and self-esteem and practice being more decisive. 
  • Make a plan for the year ahead that reflects your highest goals and dreams. 
  • Work on self-belief so that you can manifest all that you desire this year. 

If the Yang Wood Dragon could be summed up in a few words they would be as follows: 

Bravery, inner wisdom, and confidence.