Fast-Track to Abundance: Your New Reality in Just 24 Hours

Are you tired of feeling like no matter what you do, you can’t get rid of the anxiety that surrounds money and financial abundance?

You’re not alone!

Money has a way of bringing out negative emotions in many of us.

It’s such a significant aspect of our lives, and often, we carry negative beliefs about money from our past into adulthood.

When it comes to the idea of financial abundance, it’s easy to feel stuck and keep going around in circles.

We may get excited about a new desire, only to be immediately hit with the discomfort of not being able to afford it yet, whether it’s a house, a dream trip, or a complete lifestyle change.

In these moments, it’s crucial to take a step back and surrender. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to let go of the topic of money and abundance.

Give yourself permission to stop pushing and trying so hard.

You can’t force yourself into a higher vibration with your efforts and thoughts. Remember, it’s about finding ease and going with the flow, rather than trying to force things to happen.

So, if you’re tired of the anxiety and negativity around money, take a moment to surrender and let go.

Let go of the need to make anything happen.

Let go of the focus on figuring stuff out.

Let go of feeling bad because you don’t yet have what you want. 

Make a list of the beliefs you hold about yourself.

On one side – list the beliefs that are positive and motivate you, empowering you forward.

On the other side – list the beliefs that move you away from your goals. 

Here begin your 24 hours of constructing a new reality.

What have you got to lose? Seriously, for the next 24 hours only, you will focus on the positive beliefs you hold. 

Now make a list of the people you admire in life. 

Consider why you admire them. Is it because they are full of positive energy?

Do they exude their own potential? Are they living their dreams? 

How could you be more like them? What kinds of things do they do to reach their potential?

For the next 24 hours, you have a choice.

Live in a new way. Follow your potential and focus on your positive aspects. 

Your decisions become your destiny. 

Push yourself to become the best version of yourself. Do something different.

Change your routine. 

See where following the energy of these positive beliefs takes you. 

Remember this is only for 24 hours! But you probably will want to continue on…

You’ll probably get a taste for positive thinking and focusing on those beliefs of yours that make you feel good.

You might realize that changing up your routine or doing something radically different from normal was fun and revitalized your mind, body, and soul. 

There are always other ways of thinking and seeing.

There are always new ways to live and be and experience life in all its abundance.