7 Unmistakable Signs Your Heart Chakra is Opening- (Essential for Manifesting)

Your heart chakra, also known by its sanskrit name, Anahata,

is the fourth chakra within the seven main energy centers of your energy body. 

Whereas the lower three chakras (root chakra, sacral chakra, and solar plexus chakra)

relate to the physical and earthly experience,

and the higher three chakras (throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra)

are related more to the spiritual and higher-consciousness dimensions – the heart chakra is a unifying point

between these three lower and three upper energy centers.  

Having a balanced and activated/ open heart chakra is vital for you in so many important ways.

With an open heart chakra you are more likely to manifest what you desire with ease,

as well as generally living a more high frequency life and experiencing great health,

am amazing relationships and abundant finances. 

Unsure what kind of state your own heart chakra is in? 

Let’s take a look at some of the sure signs that it is opening: 

1. Feeling your Emotions Deeply 

Once you first start opening your heart chakra,

you may experience many different emotions and depth of feeling that feels more than usual.

You will feel emotions such as love, happiness, optimisms, belonging, understanding, gratitude, and appreciation. 

Your experience of these emotions may feel heightened and intense, but in a very positive way. 

2. Compassion and Forgiveness 

You may feel an increased sense of connection with other people and animals,

which allows for a compassionate perspective and greater empathy.

Your ability to cultivate authentic forgiveness for difficult situations or relationships is greatly increased. 

You are able to let go of hurts and resentment in a genuine,

graceful way and make space for fresh, loving and healthy experiences. 

When your heart chakra is opening,

you will have a deep empathy and compassion to see things from a higher space,

and your ability to forgive will benefit you and everyone around you. 

3.Experiencing Synchronicity 

An open heart chakra allows your energetic flow to increase and allow you

to magnetize more synchronicities and manifestations. 

You might start to notice seemingly random but meaningful coincidences,

such as seeing a repeated angel number, or bumping into someone you had just been thinking about,

or receiving good news in an unexpected way. 

4. Increased Love for Oneself and Others 

An open heart chakra can create a deep sense of self-love, self-acceptance, and understanding toward others.

It can help you to see the beauty in everything and everyone,

bringing you more conscious relationships and an increase of love in your life. 

5. Conscious Co-creation with the Universe 

When your heart chakra energy is flowing freely,

you are in the perfect state to consciously invite in your desired experiences.

All the compassion, love, gratitude, and abundance you feel when your heart chakra is open,

allows you to align your emotional energy with the infinite source of energy,

enabling you to magnetize limitless manifestations. 

Think of it like your manifestations are being supercharged with all the clear,

high frequency energy flowing from your heart center. 

6. A Deep Sense of Peace 

One of the most noticeable signs of an open heart chakra is the experience of deeper peace and relaxation.

When this energy center is balanced and awake,

you will live much more from the feeling place of your heart.

This allows you to live in the present moment and simply accept each passing moment as it is.

This state of mind dissolves feelings of anxiety and worries,

and allows for a huge and overwhelming sense of deep peace in the core of your being. 

7. A Sense of Purpose and Meaning 

As your heart chakra opens, your connection to your own sense of purpose increases,

and you will experience extreme clarity about your direction in life. 

This might feel like excitement, passion, and motivation.

You will feel like you can clearly see and achieve your goals in a satisfying way. 

This deeper sense of purpose can upgrade the rest of your experience too,

allowing for more connected relationships and healthy interactions with everyone in your life.