Would you like to be able to practice chakra healing in an easy way at home with just a few crystals as your tools?
Well, read on to find out how to do a chakra body layout that will support all your chakras at once and bring healing and well-being to your energy centers.
You will need seven crystals – one for each of your chakra points. If you already have a collection of crystals, you may have what you need. Each chakra corresponds to a color, so that’s the principal thing to look for.
Here are some suggestions for which crystals to use with which chakra.
- Root Chakra – Red Jasper, Obsidian, Hematite.
- Sacral Chakra – Orange calcite, Carnelian
- Solar Plexus Chakra – Citrine, Tiger Eye
- Heart Chakra – Rose Quartz, Emerald, Aventurine
- Throat Chakra – Blue Lace Agate, Turquoise, Amazonite
- Third Eye – Amethyst, Sodalite.
- Crown Chakra – Clear Quartz, Moonstone.
Here’s what you do:
Find a comfortable place to lie down and be quiet and undisturbed.
Begin by placing each crystal on each of the corresponding chakras.
- Root Chakra – at your feet (on the floor or bed)
- Sacral Chakra – two inches below your navel.
- Solar Plexus Chakra – two inches above your navel.
- Heart Chakra – in the middle of your chest.
- Throat Chakra – on your throat.
- Third Eye Chakra – in the center of your forehead.
- Crown Chakra – above the top of your head.
All you have to do now is lie back and relax.
Try to stay here for 30 minutes or longer.
You can meditate, or just try to relax your mind of cluttering thoughts and experience the energy as it gets to work on your chakras.
You may find it helps to repeat an affirmation such as
I allow healing to occur as I lie here and relax.
I am open to whatever energy healing I need on all levels
So how does this chakra layout with crystals work?
Chakra healing is something that you will feel unconsciously.
When you have out-of-balance energy centers, you might find it hard to point to the exact issues and their causes.
That’s why this whole body chakra balancing is so great because it covers all of the chakras together.
Your chakras are interdependent, meaning they can be affected by the imbalance of one another.
When you work on all of them at the same time, you are ensuring that whatever imbalance exists within you is being healed.
You will likely find that after this chakra layout ritual, you will feel a buzz of energy and excitement.
Perhaps a feeling of joy and peace.
That’s because your general well-being is being positively affected by the crystals and chakras together.
Your energetic body is being balanced and cleansed with the high-frequency healing power of the crystals and the way they interact with your chakras.
When you do this kind of chakra cleansing practice regularly, you are inviting in such a wonderful dose of healing to your life. This practice supports your entire life experience.
You will find that your creativity, self-love, spiritual connection, and ability to express yourself and communicate with others will all improve radically.
It’s sort of like taking an energetic shower and it’s so easy!
You allow the crystals and chakras to work their magic and simply relax.