A Powerful Way to Manifest With Angel Numbers

You don’t always have to wait around to receive signs from the Universe. 

You can proactively use specific Angel Numbers to help strengthen your manifestations.

 Each number has energy behind it and the Universe responds to that energy. 

Including Angel Numbers in your manifestations is a brilliant way to work with the Universe and your guides to align your energy with the frequency of what you are wanting to attract, AND speed up results. 

Firstly you’ll want to figure out which number to use.

Different numbers align with different desires or purposes, so you should check and find the right number for your intentions. 

For example: 2 (or variations of 2 such as 22, 222) is a great number for helping to bring in love and relationships.

8 is more aligned with financial wealth and good luck, and 11 or 11.11 is a sign of new beginnings and being on the right track to complete your soul mission. 

You can also decide which number to use simply by quieting your mind and meditating for a while.

Allow the number that is most aligned with your intended manifestation to enter your mind without effort. 

This is always going to be the right number for you! 

The following exercise is a great way to incorporate using Angel Numbers to boost your manifestations. 

  • Write your Angel Number down on a piece of paper and place that paper in a relevant location that speaks to/ resonates with the desire you are calling in. 
  • So, for example, if you want to manifest money, you would write down your number on a piece of paper and then place it in your wallet, or wherever you keep your cash. 
  • If you want to manifest good luck with your career or life path, you may place your chosen angel number (written down on a piece of paper) in your journal or work area.
    If you are hoping to further a creative pursuit such as art, writing, or music – place your angel number near your tools or instrument. 
  • If your desire is for peace and love in your relationships, place your paper under your pillow at night, or near your bed with your crystals or candles.
    Choose a location that resonates with feelings of calm, love, and joy. 
  • You can also just use your intuition and creativity to be drawn to a place that feels right for what you intend.
    It doesn’t always have to make perfect sense to you, simply allow the energy to call you to place the Angel Number where it feels aligned. 

Now try to surrender your desired outcome to the power of the Universe and your guides. 

Know that the Universe understands how powerful your intentions can be, you don’t need to keep repeating them or thinking about them. 

When your focus is clear and pure on what you desire – that positive energy radiates with a high frequency. 

Your aligned energetic vibration will draw your desires to you and your carefully selected Angel Number will simply boost that frequency further. 

Good Luck manifesting with Angel Numbers!