You Have a Direct line to the Universe: Unlock your Secret Connection to Source 

One of my deepest held beliefs is that we each hold the power to heal ourselves.

There is nobody outside of us that has more power over our lives than us. 

I know that sometimes it can feel otherwise,

but when you strip away the layers of conditioning and false programming,

you and you alone have complete control over your own mind. 

Do you agree?

Reply to me, let’s start a conversation. 

Listen, did you know that you have a literal direct line to the Universe? 

Consider this…

Just as a prayer, when uttered, travels unseen, yet is believed to connect us directly with a higher power, 

So too is our connection through the Crown Chakra, known as Sahasrara or the ‘Thousand Petal Lotus’.

The Crown Chakra is one of the most powerful chakra energy centers of the body.

Sitting at the top of your head, it is literally your personal connection to Source energy – a life line to the rest of the Universe. 

When your Crown Chakra is open and healthy, you feel connected to a wider perspective,

a sense of something greater than yourself.

This chakra rules spiritual wisdom, knowledge of divine truth,

and guides you towards the best path for your higher self. 

With an open and balanced Crown Chakra, you gain a real sense of yourself as a spark of light and consciousness,

an integral part of everything else. 

You experience a sense of unity, and other people do not seem so separate,

instead you feel greater compassion, wider perception, and empathy. 

And best of all?

You receive guidance, intuition, wisdom and a sense of seeing your life on a bigger scale.

It’s much easier to be in flow with life and tapped into Source to manifest your dreams. 

Signs of Imbalance in the Crown Chakra 

  • Feeling disconnected from the Universe (source energy).
  • Fear of trusting the natural flow of life.
  • Feeling unloved or unsupported by life. 
  • Disconnected from your Spirit Guides.
  • Misaligned with your destiny, unable to find higher path.
  • Mental unease, brain fog, headaches. 

So how can you strengthen this connection to source? 

You can use a variety of spiritual tools and activities to bring healing and harmony to your Crown Chakra. 

One thing to remember is that your other Chakras really need to be in balance

before you can bring healing and balance to your Crown Chakra. 

It’s not really possible to just work in isolation, of course you can choose a Chakra to focus on,

but ultimately you need to bring your entire energy body into balance

for the most positive effects on your life. 

Crystal Energy Visualization 

Using clear quartz crystals,

you can work to cleanse your crown chakra energetically. 

Lie down on the floor and place a clear quartz

or selenite/ moonstone crystal at the top of your head. 

Close your eyes, and breathe deeply.

Now imagine the clear, powerful, cleansing energy of the crystal

pouring in to the top of your head and sweeping energy through your body. 

See this energy activating your Crown chakra and bringing light energy to that space. 

Connect with Others, Nature, and the Universe on a deeper level

Meditate on how you can deepen your connection with friends, family, and your wider community,

as well as nature and the Universe at large.

Consider making an effort each day to do one thing that strengthens

and deepens your connection to these three things. 

Maybe you could start up a community book club or workshop of some kind,

volunteer in a local garden or allotment, or join a meditation group.

Make an effort to put your energy and focus towards connection. 

Journaling Prompts 

Use these prompts to get to the bottom of what holds you back in the Crown Chakra. 

Have you ever tried to just let go and surrender to a problem that keeps bothering you?

Do you find that you try to fight against it?

How could you work on trying to release it instead?

How can you build your trust in the unplanned events of life,

knowing that they are a form of spiritual direction? 

How can you be sure to fit in 15 minutes of meditation to your day?

What needs to clear from your schedule to prioritize that connection? 

Try these activities out and see how they invite in divine energy to your Crown Chakra,

deepening your link to the Universe.