A Magic Lunar Fire Ritual for October

Aries energy is bold and fiery and with a Full Moon coming up on October 17th,

a wonderful way to harness that is with a fire ritual. 

Whether or not you do this around the Full Moon doesn’t actually matter,

October is all about transformation and preparing for shifts and changes,

so this ritual can be done as part of the lunar cycle,

or as part of your personal, spiritual practice if you have one. 

A Fire Ritual is one of the most powerful ways to work with the passionate,

action-seeking energy of the Full Moon in Aries. 

This ritual will help you to release what no longer serves you and light up your inner power

to start manifesting the things that do serve you! 

Here’s an easy guide to a ritual you can perform safely at home: 

Preparation: Setting the Space

Create a Sacred Space:

Choose a quiet place, preferably outdoors, where you can safely have a small fire or light a candle.

If indoors, a fireproof dish or bowl for burning paper works well.

Gather Your Tools:

A candle (red, orange, or white are ideal for Aries energy, symbolizing fire and purity).

A lighter or matches.

A notebook and pen.

A small piece of paper for each thing you want to release.

A fireproof container (or use a small bonfire if outdoors).

Crystals associated with Aries, such as carnelian, red jasper, or hematite. 

Clarify your Intentions:

Before you begin, center yourself with a few deep breaths. 

Think about what you want to release and what intentions you’d like to set.

Breathe into the energy of Aries and the passion and motivation it brings. 

Write down anything you wish to release, focusing on old habits, fears, cycles, mindsets,

or even specific people, relationships, and ways of being. 

As you note these down, feel the emotional weight they cause you

and realize how important it is to let them go forever, without fear. 

Light the Fire

Light your candle or fire safely, and focus upon the desire to release,

transform and surrender with this ritual. 

Take your piece of paper and hold it over the fire or the flame of your candle. 

Allow the paper to burn and as it does, say out loud or in your mind: 

With this flame,

I release once and for all the things that hold me back from my truest, bestest life. 

As these things burn,

I make space for my highest self to emerge instead. 

Feel the light energy of release as you let these old things go,

visualizing the flames consuming your old habits and patterns,

and allowing that purification to transform your life. 

Close the Ritual

Give thanks to the Full Moon and the Aries energy for this opportunity to purge and purify. 

Blow out your candle or extinguish your fire safely,

and trust in the Universe that what you needed to happen here as taken place. 

The Universe has heard your desire for transformation

and your need to eliminate and release what holds you back. 

Take some time to ground yourself back into the Earth energies after this ritual.

Drink some water or herbal tea, sit quietly and meditate, or walk barefoot on the grass. 

Know that this fire ritual will help you to release and surrender all that you no longer need to carry with you,

in order for you to step into your power and take bold action to improve your life and manifest your dreams. 

Let the fire symbolize new beginnings and the burning courage to follow your heart

and make your life a reflection of happiness, abundance and peace.