A Release Ritual with Moon Water for the Full Super Moon in Aquarius

On August 1st we have a powerful Aquarius Full Moon gracing our skies.

This full moon is the best time to clear, release and reset your whole system.

It’s a very intense time with much to teach us about letting go, clearing space, and transforming our lives. 

This is the first of two Super Moons in August, meaning they will be closer to Earth and their effects that much more potent for us all. 

Think of August as a giant reset, bookended by these two powerful Super Full Moons.

It’s the ideal month to commit to letting go of everything that holds you back, once and for all!

By the end of the month, you are likely to feel a huge sense of physical and emotional release. 

Aquarius is an air sign, symbolized by the water bearer. 

Air signs are all about mental energy and swirling thoughts.

You might find yourself going over and over conversations, ideas, or situations in your head. 

Luckily, the water bearer aspect of Aquarius energy means an ability to transmute that mental chatter and help you to release intrusive thoughts and difficult emotions. 

The following ritual will help you to clear the way mentally, emotionally, and physically to clean your slate and be prepared for manifesting your desires with the next New Moon. 

Full Moon in Aquarius Release Ritual with Moon Water 

Think about what you want to release or break free from. 

Write those things down on a piece of paper. 

Now take that piece of paper and burn it (safely of course). 

As you watch the paper burn, visualize those things you wish to let go of disappearing from your life. 

Make Moon Water 

Making Moon Water is a fun and easy way to finish off this release ritual on the Full Moon.

Water is always a great way to connect with the energy of any full moon. 

All you have to do is fill up a container with fresh water and place it into direct moonlight. 

It could be outside or by a window where the moonlight will reach it.

Even if the skies are cloudy, don’t worry.

The powerful lunar energies will reach the water, no matter what! 

Now that you have released the things holding you back, think about what you want instead to take their place, and say an affirmation prayer to set that intention. 

Use positive, affirmative words about what you intend to manifest. 

Speak those words into the water as you hold the bowl in your hands.

You could repeat something like the following: 

The lunar energy clears and cleanses my aura and allows beautiful light to infuse my intentions for the highest good of all.

I am positive that my desires are being manifested as I repeat these words.

I am thankful for this water.

I thank the energy of the moon, and I am open to receiving it. 

Leave the moon water overnight in the moonlight.

In the morning, your moon water will be infused with lunar energies. 

You can use it to drink, bathe, clean, water your plants or simply pour it away into the earth –

knowing that it has served its divine purpose. 

Your Moon Ritual is now complete!

Full Moon love and blessings to you on this Aquarius Full Super Moon