A Ritual for Living in Alignment with your Highest Path 

Do you ever just feel like life is hard? No matter how much you try, you just can’t seem to break through into that elusive state of feeling like you’re ‘doing it right?’ 

Oftentimes when we feel blue or like we’re doing something wrong, it’s because we haven’t been checking in with our higher selves. We’ve been doing things that keep us a little out of alignment with our souls. 

When you live connected to your soul’s blueprint, you align everything you need in your life with that energy.

You are magnetically attracting the vibration of things that you love. 

This ritual will help you to come back into alignment with the core essence of your values. 

You will need: 

  • A notepad and pen.
  • Crystals/ candles/ incense 
  • A safe, quiet space. 

You can always begin any ritual or meditation by cleansing the space around you with sage, palo santo, or incense or even by diffusing some essential oils. 

Today you are going to tune into your heart and body to discover where you are living out of alignment with your truth. 

So, close your eyes and ground yourself.

Connect with your heart and your spiritual guidance.

Center yourself in the moment. 

Ask yourself, “What am I ready to hear and transform in this moment?” 

Really connecting with your deep feelings rather than just your mind, is SO important. 

Positive affirmations are helpful, but true transformation and life change come from shifting your subconscious beliefs and discovering your truth.  

Your body always tells you the truth of your feelings because it is connected with your inner subconscious and deep inner wisdom.

Your mind can fool you and makeup stories, but your body is always reflecting the truth. 

As you ask yourself what needs to be healed and shifted, listen carefully to your gut instinct. 

Try very hard to stay out of your head and FEEL what your body is telling you.

When you feel like you have something that is arising for you, FEEL into that thing. 

Try to give it a color, or a shape. Maybe you can put it into words.

Maybe there are feelings and memories associated with it. 

Now, ground yourself again.

Symbolically send those memories, feelings, colors, shapes, images, etc around this thing deep down into the Earth.

Let them go. 

Now, return to your heart and center and ask yourself,

“How do I want to feel? What do I need to feel fully healed and in alignment with my truest self?” 

Feel deeply into your awareness, and allow your highest self to speak. 

When it feels clear to you how you want to feel and what you need for alignment, WRITE that down. 

Write down- I want to feel….. (fill in the blank) whole, loved, joyful, positive, inspired. Etc. 

Now write down whatever comes into your mind that could lead you to those feelings. 

Write down words, draw pictures, sketch images, whatever comes to you. 

This will be so different for everyone. 

The exercise is intended for you to bring up the deep wisdom your soul contains about how to live in alignment. 

So don’t discard your thoughts as silly, and listen deeply to your gut. 

You can return to this ritual as often as you feel called to.