A Valentine’s Day Spell for Inviting in the Energy of Love

Love is something to be celebrated everyday, it really is the cornerstone of having a happy and fulfilling life.

When you have a life anchored in love, you have the ability to attract to you all the things that vibrate with that energy. 

Of course, many of us dread Valentine’s Day, feeling as though we have to live up to some romantic ideal, or perhaps feeling the extra weight of being single or apart from family and friends. 

What if this Valentine’s Day you invite in the energy of love in all its guises? 

That means love in its purest state – self-love, love for your family and friends, romantic love, love for pets, love for your community, love for the Earth, etc. 

The pure frequency of love is never limited to one meaning. It is all encompassing!

Follow this Love Spell and invite in love to your life, whatever that means to you. 

Here’s what you need: 

A candle (your choice, any color)

A piece of paper and a pen 

In a quiet and private space, light your candle and take some deep breaths. 

Close your eyes and relax into the present moment. 

Step One: Cleanse and Release

Settle your gaze on the candle flame. You can have your eyes open or closed. 

Imagine that the candle flame is becoming bigger, glowing brighter and growing in your mind. 

Imagine it representing the heat and light of connection, passion, desire, courage, and unconditional love.

In your mind’s eye, see that flame burning so brightly that it becomes entirely all encompassing, like a bonfire. 

Cast your mind to any internal doubts, beliefs or narratives you hold about how you do not deserve love, or how you cannot connect with other people, fears of intimacy, etc.

Perhaps you have some past trauma to release that has left your heart closed. 

Imagine those things being hurled into the bonfire in your mind, and burned away into nothingness. 

Stay in this moment as long as you need to. 

Step Two: Welcome the Energy of Love

Now that you have released what has been holding you back, take some deep breaths. 

Imagine a channel between you and the earth below you. 

Invite the energy of love, life, delight, happiness, laughter and friendship up from the earth to enter your energy field.

Imagine it rising up from below you and into your heart center. 

Inhale the energy into your heart. Imagine it as a warm, pink energy if you like. 

As you inhale this love, exhale anything negative that still lingers. 

Focus on filling your heart center with the energy of warm, soothing love. 

Step Three: Make a Promise to Yourself 

Now you want to make a promise to yourself to remain connected to the energy of love. 

You could create an affirmation that makes sense to you, something like:

I promise to honor myself in all my relationships.

I promise to connect only to those who match my capacity to love. 

Try to feel what arises naturally for you, this will be rooted in your deepest desires for yourself around true love. 

Step Four: End the Ritual 

Give gratitude and appreciation to the earth and fire for helping you in this ritual. 

Show gratitude to yourself and honor your decision to open yourself to the energy of love. 

You can write down your affirmation around your promise and return to it over the next month or more.

Allow it to help you remain clear and focused about what you want from love.