An Intention-Setting Ritual for the New Moon in Capricorn, January 11th 

New Year, New Moon, New Beginnings…

Not long after we enter 2024 we have a New Moon in Capricorn marking the start of a new cycle. 

A Capricorn New Moon is filled with potent energy connected to the traits of the sea goat – disciplined, resourceful, wise, ambitious, constant, and hardworking. 

When you think about it, these are great qualities to begin a New Year with! 

With the energy focused on goals and dreams, resolutions and plans we could all do with some of that Capricorn diligence to see things through in a responsible manner. 

This New Moon is the perfect opportunity to create order and make solid plans for the coming year.

It is never too late to make resolutions and realistically nurture your dreams.

If you made resolutions at the beginning of the year, review them now, one week later, and focus on what you feel is most pressing to you. 

Use the following ritual to focus your mind on your intentions for this Capricorn New 


New Moon in Capricorn Ritual 

On the morning of the New Moon, take some time, a few minutes, to just center yourself by breathing in a sacred space where you can be quiet and undisturbed. 

Envision your intention as clearly, specifically, and fully as possible. 

Ask yourself in your mind the following: 

How will it feel to embody that intention? How will your heart feel? What will be different in your mind and your body? What will feel different in your life once you experience that intention? 

When you feel you have connected specifically and viscerally with your intention, write it down on a piece of paper in clear and descriptive words. 

Now place that piece of paper somewhere meaningful to you. If you have an altar or a space where you keep your crystals, candles, etc – use that. 

Later on, as night falls and the New Moon creates darkness in the sky, return to your sacred place and center yourself once again. 

Create a small fire where you can safely burn that piece of paper. It does not have to be a traditional fire, if you do not have access to a fireplace, you can make a small fire in a cast iron pan, or simply light your piece of paper with a candle and let it safely burn in a flameproof dish. 

Allow that piece of paper with your intention written down to be burned to ashes. As you watch it burn, release the intention to the universe, without attachment. 

As you go on with your life over the next few weeks, think about your intention but do not cling to it or focus on it too much – let it go and let the universe deliver it to you. 

This ritual is a simple but hugely powerful one. The energy of release and burning is so potent and sets the right atmosphere for you to reap the rewards of your intention setting down the line. 

New Moon blessings to you..