Anything is Possible – How The Astrology of August Impacts your Beliefs

What I find fascinating about astrology is how it can affect us on both a personal level

and impact the wider world around us all. 

August 2024 is an interesting month astrologically,

with potential effects being felt in both in world events and on an intimate level for us individually. 

That’s because this month centers around one of the most interesting transits of the year: Jupiter square Saturn

This transit deserves to be highlighted because it involves our two largest planets – Jupiter and Saturn.

When these two clash, we cannot help but notice the biggest themes and challenges that come up in our lives. 

Have you ever noticed how astrology has a ripple effect in the world around you? 

Let me know your experiences with this. Reply to me. 

The current Jupiter-Saturn cycle that we are in,

began in December 2020 when those two plants met at 0 degrees of Aquarius in the great conjunction. 

Many people talked about how that was the beginning of the age of Aquarius – a new era of collective revolution,

remember that? 

Of course,

it is a long cycle with far-reaching effects that will be felt over many years and beyond our life time. 

So what does Jupiter square Saturn mean for you today, right now? 

The big, slow planets of Jupiter and Saturn always signify important developments

because they only form a square every 10 years, and a square in astrology is always a tense aspect. 

A lot depends on your individual astrology and the houses in your birth chart

that are triggered by transit Jupiter and Saturn and which houses the rule. 

But as a general rule for everyone…

Let’s say you can think of Jupiter as your beliefs – the way you want your life to be.

And Saturn as your results – or what seems to be within your reach to achieve. 

When these two giants clash in a square,

the suggestion is that there is still a bit of a gap between what you believe is possible for you,

and what can be realistically achieved. 

Sounds a bit like the problem most of us face when manifesting, right? 

Well, kind of.

Some people actually dream too small,

thinking they could never have what they truly want deep down.

That’s because they lack the confidence and self belief to live up to their true potential. 

Others dream beyond their expectations and for that reason they also cannot meet their desires.

Their current reality is too far from what they desire,

and they cannot bridge that gap either 

So what can you do about it? 

With this Jupiter square Saturn conjunction,

you can harness the energy to identify what is actually important to you,

and then acknowledge the gaps between your ideals and your current reality. 

Gaining that clarity will then support you to take proactive and practical steps forward.

This Jupiter square Saturn offers up a chance to make adjustments

and reevaluate your life for the best plan of action forward. 

I’ve explained how a square is a tense aspect in astrology.

One good thing about that is its very straightforward, what you see is what you get. 

There is no room for doubt or ambiguity.

What you instinctively feel must be changed in your life during this time is most likely the Universe saying,

yes, this is what you must do. 

And there’s no candy coating about it. 

The square will bring the energy, discipline and motivation you need to charge ahead

and making meaningful changes and improvements in your life. 

One of the best ways to navigate this transit

is to take a step back and allow yourself to see the bigger picture. 

Are you experiencing the results to your efforts that you feel you deserve in life?

How are you being transformed in terms of your philosophical,

religious, moral, political, social, and personal values?

How are you being challenged and forced to adapt?

How are you being tested, strengthened and pushed forward? 

Whatever you observe in your own life is there for you to take steps

to evolve or further embrace what is working for you. 

Cement yourself into self-belief, confidence and self-love

and continue to carve out the biggest and brightest path for yourself,

based in authenticity and purpose.