Cosmic Messages for The New Moon, 12.12 and Mercury Retrograde

On December 12th we have the final New Moon of 2023 falling in the vibrant and adventure-loving sign of Sagittarius.

With the planet Mars also prominent at this time, the energy is sure to be fiery and full of passion. 

There are two other big things happening on December 12th. 

The sacred number 1212 is unlocked on the 12th day of the 12 month. 

AND Mercury begins to station retrograde on this day. 

Let’s dive into what all of that could mean for you! 

The magic of 1212

1212 is a magical number symbolizing an ascension into a higher state of consciousness.

12 is also a number that represents endings and completion.

It’s fitting that 12/12 is also the date of this final New Moon of 2023 – lending extra energy to the meaning of completion.

With the 1212 energy vibrating strongly, you may find something in your life coming to an end or reaching a climax or completion point.

Think of how there are 12 months in a year and 12 signs in the zodiac. 

This does not have to imply anything in any way negative, it could mean that you finally see how things fit together in a project or even a relationship.

You may feel that you have a sense of clarity around important issues in your life. 

Mercury Retrograde 

Mercury is the planet of communication.

Typically, this planet in retrograde means muddied thoughts, chaotic travel scenarios, delays, and technological issues.  

It’s always a good idea to move with caution, be as organized as possible, and double-check the small print. 

The inspiring side of this planet in retrograde, however, is that your intuition may be heightened during this time. 

As the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury can connect us with our psychic powers and communicate to us through dreams and nudges of divine inspiration. 

The New Moon in Sagittarius 

This auspicious New Moon, the final one of 2023, brings us healing energy.

The energetic influence from Mars brings a nice injection of confidence and motivation as the year draws to a close. 

It’s a wonderful New Moon to turn your attention to the world of inner healing and focus on self-love.

Use this time to find ways to bring balance and calm to your life, through meditation and inner work such as journaling and releasing emotions. 

This is perfect timing with the holiday season around the corner for so many of us.

Stress and anxiety can peak at this time of year.

Why not let this year be different for you? 

Try to embody the peace, happiness, and groundedness that you wish to project out to the world for this time of year and the weeks and months ahead. 

Use this time to set some intentions for the month ahead. 

Write down three things you wish to achieve using present tense affirmations.

For example: I am watching my bank account grow and grow. 

I am receiving so much love from my partner. 

I am walking into my new house. 

Most of all use this time to believe in the magic of the Universe!