Facial Fortune: Decode Your Luck

Have you ever wondered if the concept of luck is real?

Some people believe that luck follows you around, while others believe that luck is something you have to chase.

If you fall into the latter category, you might want to pay attention to this unique insight: did you know that your facial features can reveal a lot about your luck? It might sound crazy, but it’s true. 

Some people have the classic “lucky face,” while others have faces that suggest they may need to work harder to attract good fortune.

Whether you’re a believer in luck or not, it’s interesting to think about how our physical appearance could play a role in our destiny.

So the question is: what does your face say about your luck?

The Nose 👃🏼

The nose can say a lot about a person. When it comes to wealth, the nose is actually known as the primary wealth palace, which means that it is a strong indicator of a person’s financial propensity.

A high arch indicates a lot of money. 

Wide Space Between Eyebrows 

Also known as the “life palace,” this is the gap between your eyebrows. When there’s a wide gap, it indicates a lucky person.

The gap between the eyebrows must be at least two fingers wide, while it is believed that a narrow life palace can indicate a person’s narrow-mindedness, which will make him or her prone to make a lot of bad decisions in life. 

High Forehead

Individuals with high and rounded foreheads are believed to possess the potential for wealth.

It’s also an indicator that wealth comes early in his or her life.

This is because the forehead signifies luck sent from heaven and it’s also considered as the first prosperity mountain of the face. 

If you have a forehead like this, it’s likely that you command respect and carry with you an air of authority wherever you go. It’s rare to come across a perfect forehead, but as long as it looks prominent and wide, you can count on luck and genuine good fortune to keep coming to your life. 

In Chinese culture, a good forehead also serves as strong support for all other luck features of the face because it signifies the place of the heavenly celestial dragon.

The forehead is considered the yang spot on the face, which is an indicator of an individual’s luck potential, 

The Lips 👄

Lips shaped like a pearl is an indicator of good fortune and luck.

A pearl-shaped lip is regarded as a beauty spot, which brings attraction luck to individuals who have it.

Women who have pearly-shaped lip is also believed to bring good fortune luck to their husband. Another lucky mouth is a lotus-shaped lip. 

The Chin

The chin is said to be where the wealth of a person is stored.

It’s also suggestive of a person who can accumulate wealth easily.

Furthermore, a prominent chin indicates a mountain and it also suggests a long and fruitful life. 

Knowing these facial features is great — but it doesn’t mean that if you don’t possess these features you are not lucky or experience luck at all ever in your life. 

The truth is, when you are clear about what you want and you engage in positivity, you will experience more luck than the average person. 

Make a conscious decision to master what you want to achieve with so much vigor and enthusiasm, and you’ll find yourself moving ahead further and faster than anyone around you.