Get Ready for Deep Soul Transformation: The Pink Moon in Scorpio, April 23rd.

It’s Full Moon time again!

Another opportunity to evolve, grow and blossom into our fullest selves.

Full Moons are always about drawing things out of us,

awakening the parts of us that need to be clearly seen,

and also connecting us more closely to our psychic intuition. 

The upcoming Full Moon, also known as the Pink Moon, falls in the sign of Scorpio.

Scorpio rules the cycles of death and rebirth

and is a transformative sign that is characterized by an obsession with deep emotions

and a focus on the shadow-side of things. 

With the planet Pluto as its ruler,

Scorpio energy is all about exploring the depths of your psyche.

Scorpio is not afraid of the shadows because Scorpio knows that the light always follows the dark,

and that every ending comes with a brand new beginning. 

So, when we have a Full Moon in Scorpio such as this one,

it’s an incredibly powerful time to do some deep inner healing work. 

There is an intense energy around this Full Moon

that focuses on helping you to take a long, deep look at yourself and see yourself clearly.

To cut through any obstacles and really,

truly see all parts of yourself,

even those parts that you wish to avoid looking at,

or the parts you try to hide from the world. 

This might sound intimidating, but think about it –

only when you can truly see yourself

can you see and accept where you are ready to evolve and transform. 

Any parts of your life that you feel are outdated,

stagnant and old can be discarded under the light of this potent Full Moon.

It’s time to take the first steps towards change, positive transformation,

and the beginning of a whole new season for yourself. 

Consider where in your life that you feel unworthy,

where do you feel shame, guilt,

or failure? 

These are the kinds of feelings that are going to be unearthed during this Scorpio Moon.

It will shine its powerful light down on anything that holds you back

from feeling your innate sense of self worth! 

So while that might feel like a rough ride that could take you out of your comfort zone,

it’s actually all with the best of intentions –

to help you to feel grounded and empowered,

and know that you are enough. 

With this new sense of yourself,

you will find it easier to begin releasing things that are blocking you

from your highest path and soul purpose. 

Try this Shadow Work Meditation: 

On or around the Scorpio Full Moon,

try this meditation to help you release deep emotional aspects of yourself

or parts of your self that you have been avoiding. 

Sit in a quiet, comfortable space and close your eyes. 

Bring to mind any unresolved emotions or deep parts of yourself

that you instinctively feel need to come up to be healed. 

Allow yourself time to dive deep into your psyche,

looking at your shadow aspects without harshness or judgment. 

Allow your intuition to guide you forwards to heal,

embrace and release those shadow parts of yourself

that you do not wish to carry forward. 

Reflect on anything that came up for you

here by writing it down in a journal.

Set the intention embrace this new self,

free of those aspects that were in your way. 

An Extra Boost of Luck! 

This Full Moon in Scorpio is getting an extra energy boost

of incredible luck from the rare celestial alignment

taking place between Jupiter and Uranus on the SAME DAY! 

This cosmic conjunction serves to intensify the Scorpio energy

that governs shifts, changes and deep transformation.

The entire cosmic skies are helping you to shed those boundaries

and limitations that have held you back. 

It is time to embrace a new energy that’s all about self-belief.

Leave behind the doubters and the haters,

and step into a brand new reality,

created by you for you.

We are talking about soul transformation here,

and it absolutely has the power to catapult you into a new timeline of abundance,

peace, happiness and everlasting love.