Heal your Power Center – The Solar Plexus Chakra Holds the Key to Confidence

August is a month when many people are recharging their batteries.

Perhaps you’re taking some time off and relaxing on vacation,

or maybe you’re planning for the year ahead and thinking about what’s next. 

However this month might look for you, focusing on a sense of self-worth

and personal power is the key to creating the future you dream of. 

The chakra center that governs personal power and self-worth is the Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura in Sanskrit. 

Type Solar Plexus to claim your power back now! 

This third chakra center is one of the most commonly out of balance energy centers for many people.

It is the foundation for our sense of self, self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence,

sense of responsibility and personal power. 

A sense of self-worth and self-esteem is so important in allowing us to recover from setbacks

and to keep believing in ourselves, even when times are challenging, lonely or full of anxiety. 

This chakra really does fuel our purpose, our hope, our sense of what we are capable of achieving.

It is like the magnetic core of our entire personality. 

Do you want to know how to spot someone with a balanced, healthy third chakra?

They are the people who know what they want and are taking active steps towards the accomplishing of their goals. 

They are the people who don’t react in the moment, they are not overly defensive

because they radiate an inner confidence and sense of self.

They cannot be shaken from their core. 

They know what their beliefs are and they cannot be swayed into making choices that are misaligned

or do not resonate with those beliefs and principles. 

They take radical responsibility for their own lives, happiness, and results and they feel empowered by it. 

Would you like to be one of these people? 

When you have a strong solar plexus chakra, you feel ‘enough,’ you feel adequate,

and like you don’t have to struggle and compete.  

In order to retain your power in your solar plexus, the following are very important: 

  • Trust your intuition.
  • Build healthy, clear, personal boundaries.
  • Do not manipulate others to gain validation. 
  • Be proud of what you do in the world. 
  • Be true to your word.
  • Honor yourself. 
  • Keep your commitments and goals to yourself. 

One amazing way to heal your third chakra is to focus less on EGO and more on your SOUL. 

Instead of struggling and focusing on what you have accomplished

and how you can feel validated through those achievements,

spend your energy thinking about what you can contribute to the world. 

Think of it like this…

Accomplishment and achievements make your ego feel good.

They make you feel validated and valued, but only because they are attached to an outcome and expectations. 

Contribution on the other hand, is more about what lights your soul up, and not your ego. 

Contribution is not about an end result, it’s about a deeper meaning that is inherent just in the act of contributing. 

What to do: 

Think of some of the ways that you are reliant on outcomes for things in order to feel a sense of self-worth or confidence. 

Now think of some of the ways that you genuinely spend contributing to others throughout your day.

Be honest about this, write them down. 

Now try adding more activities to your days that focus on enhancing other people’s lives without any expectations. 

It’s an amazing way to heal when you realize that accomplishment is not more important than contribution. 

These could be small acts of kindness such as helping a neighbor, caring for a child or family member,

or simply being an active listener to someone struggling with something. 

Once you shift your energy towards thinking, How can I contribute?

Instead of how can I get this thing I want in order to feel better about myself…

you will feel the energetic shift in your Solar Plexus Chakra. 

You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to heal and strengthen this power center,

once you relax, go with the flow and believe in your validity as a human being

contributing to society and embodying a sense of love and confidence.