How to Create a Lunar Beauty Bath with the Waning Moon

There is deep wisdom in balancing your life according to the Moon’s cycles.

Each phase contains its own profound lessons for us, and we can align ourselves with those phases to get the most out of the specific lunar energy as it changes each month. 

What is the Waning Moon? 

The waning Moon is the lunar phase that comes right after the Full Moon and before the New Moon.

During this time the part of the Moon that is illuminated and visible from Earth gradually decreases until it becomes totally invisible –

what we call the Dark Moon or New Moon. 

When this happens In the northern hemisphere, the shadow side of the waning Moon is on the right in our skies, and in the southern hemisphere, it’s on the left. 

The Waning Moon is associated spiritually and emotionally with introspection, reflection, and the surrendering of old emotions, habits and patterns of thought or behavior. 

The energy is perfect for self-care and healing, as well as for finishing up any tasks or projects you have hanging around that need attention. 

Learning to align yourself with the Waning Moon phases allows you to take full advantage of the new beginnings that come with the New Moon, when the cycle begins again. 

Lunar Bathing 

The Moon and water have a special, cosmic connection.

Our bodies are made up of mostly water, and just as the Moon has an effect on the tides of our oceans, so too can it impact our own bodies. 

This specific Waning Moon comes right after we had a wonderful Full Moon in Virgo.

That makes it an extra potent time to focus on self-care and detox rituals, seeing as Virgo rules health and taking care of yourself on all levels. 

Taking a Moon Bath is the perfect ritual to connect with your inner self and harness the Waning Moon energy of release and surrender. 

You can literally and metaphorically wash away negativity, cleanse your auric field, and prepare yourself energetically and physically for the new beginnings that commence with the New Moon. 

Combining the energy of the Moon with the element of water is powerful and promotes healing, purification, relaxation, and personal evolution. 

How to prepare your Lunar Bath 

  1. Create a healing atmosphere

Dim the lights, surround your tub with candles, or bring your essential oil diffuser into the room. 

  1. Select the ingredients

Bath Salts. 

Epsom Salt – Rich in magnesium these aid muscle relaxation and reduces stress. 

Sea Salt – Exfoliating and stimulating, will help restore your skin’s natural pH balance. 

Himalayan Pink Salt – Rich in over 80 minerals, improves skin hydration and balances electrolytes. 

Essential and Aromatherapy Oils.

Lavender – A wonderful stress reliever, promoting deep sleep and tranquility. 

Sandalwood – Calm, spiritual, boosting clarity and access to inner wisdom. 

Flowers and Herbs. 

You can add dried or fresh rose petals, lavender, jasmine, chamomile, rosemary – whatever you like. 

In order to keep things easy to clean, place your herbs inside a small cotton pouch and let their properties infuse the bathwater without making a mess for you afterwards. 


You can arrange your chosen crystals around the tub, or even submerge them if they are water-safe. 

Choose from:

Rose quartz, Amethyst, Moonstone, Citrine, Clear quartz. 

  1. Set an Intention 

Before stepping into your lunar bath, take a minute to decide upon your intentions for the ritual. 

This could be to…

Release and surrender. 

Calm body, mind, and spirit from anxiety. 

Purify and energize. 

  1. Relax and receive 

Allow yourself to relax and soak in your Lunar Bath. Visualize yourself embodying the frequency and light of the Moon and allow that energy to work on your intention. 

Breath deep and let yourself simply enjoy the experience.