How to Create the Perfect Virgo Full Moon Ritual

February 24th 2024 welcomes a healing Full Moon in Virgo.

This is the final Full Moon of the astrological year, and the last Full Moon before the beginning of Eclipse Season. 

Those aspects give this Moon a kind of purging, cleansing and clearing energy.

We can use this energy to connect to our own inner health and wellness. 

Virgo is represented by the Virgin Goddess.

She embodies a sense of purity, healing, and inner wisdom and power. 

Virgo energy is really strong on treating your body right, and looking after yourself on a holistic level.

It’s all about connecting your mind, body and soul and that’s what you are going to do in this very special ritual. 

Mercury is the planet that rules Virgo and it happens to be very active during this Full Moon.

As Mercury is the messenger planet, it can help us to connect with messages and signs from the Universe that are there to guide us forward on our life’s path. 

You will need to pay extra attention in the days that follow to your intuition and any hunches you get during this time.

Look out for synchronistic number patterns or small signs from the Universe in the form of birds, animals, feathers, song lyrics, or overheard conversations. 

How to Perform The Ritual 

This ritual focuses very specifically on what you need to clear and cleanse from your mindy, body, and soul. 

This is one of the best things you can do to prepare yourself for the energy that accompanies this particular Full Moon in Virgo. 

You will need: 

Your journal (or a notebook/ paper of your choice). 

A Jar of spring or filtered water. 

A candle 

Light your candle and find somewhere quiet, peaceful and comfortable to sit for the duration of this ritual. 

Bring yourself into a calm state of mind, focusing on your inhalations and exhalations.

If you have a favorite meditation, you can do this now.

Alternatively just sit in the stillness and let yourself relax for a few minutes.

You can also focus your gaze on the flame of your candle, and allow that to bring you to a place of inner calm. 

Now, choose one or two of the following prompts and write about it for anything from 5-15 minutes. 

  • What is the present moment bringing up for me?
  • As the astrological year comes to a close, what do I need to release?
  • What do I feel my body is telling me? 
  • What is coming up to be released today? 
  • How can I create more of what I desire in 2024? 

After you have done this, reflect on any insights that came through in your writing. 

Is there anything that has come up that you would specifically like to focus on over the following month? 

Now you are going to take your jar of water and infuse it with a loving intention. 

Water has memory, and when you program it with a highly focused and specific intention, you infuse the water with that vibration. 

Say whatever comes naturally to you.

It could be something as simple as: 

I infuse this water with the intention of (fill in the blank). Thank you. 

In conclusion 

The healing energy of this Virgo Full Moon will support your efforts to bring change to your life, especially if it’s connected to your health on all levels. 

Use its loving energy to empower yourself to make changes that may seem challenging, knowing that when you make decisions in alignment with the movements of the cosmos, you are boosting your efforts with the amazing power of the Universe.