How to Discover your Authentic Voice and Manifest your True Calling

Having an authentic voice is not something that is restricted to writers, filmmakers, musicians or other creative professionals. We all have an authentic voice, each and every one of us on this earth. Whether it’s how we communicate through our spoken or written work or the unique way we navigate the world. It is how we express ourselves and our truth to the world. An authentic voice is our essence, our brand or uniqueness.

Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 67

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Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 67

You can think of an authentic voice as an externalization of who you really are at your core. But how many of us do you think actually connect with that deep self regularly? How many of us are expressing from that place, an honest place where we are not afraid of being judged or rejected? Whether you are a writer, musician, dancer, accountant, mother, father, digital nomad, painter, student, chef, waiter, fashion designer, environmentalist (you have the idea, whoever you are and whatever you do), you have the -choice to tap into your true self and live your life from that essence or not.

I know it sounds simple and I admit it takes some work and a willingness to be vulnerable, but I truly believe that those of us who feel indecisive, confused or directionless in life can find confidence and purpose by becoming our authentic selves.

If you feel like you’ve never fully discovered who you were meant to be, or what you were meant to do, if you feel like you haven’t fully stepped into your purpose on this planet – then how are you supposed to know what it is you want to manifest? The answer is, with difficulty.

It can be difficult and confusing to see clearly from a place of not knowing yourself well, or not honoring who you really are. Some of us were raised not to pursue our real dreams because they were seen as too unrealistic or unattainable. Some of us may have lost it through bad experiences, trauma or unhealthy relationships. Whatever has happened so far in your life story, it is always up to you to rewrite the next chapter as you want it to be.

The reason that many manifestation techniques do not bring the results you want is often the fact that you are giving off a wishy washy vibration about what it is you desire! Once you really know your voice and who you are, you can’t help but be very clear about how you imagine your life to unfold. The two go hand in hand.

The more you develop your authenticity, the more confident you will be. It is that confidence that gives you the positivity and determination to follow your dreams. The reason is simple, there is literally nothing more attractive than authenticity. Someone who knows who they are and is always true to themselves is like a magnet for manifestations.

Knowing your truth and tapping into the voice that is uniquely yours will always resonate with other people, be it your clients, audience, friends or family. It is tempting to cut corners, copy others and communicate in a way you may believe others want to hear but that is not the way to long term success and happiness. People can sense when you are hiding your true self behind what someone else might say. People can also feel the calm and quiet power that comes from real authenticity.

Of course in these modern times of instant gratification, a world full of sounds and distractions, information and images that encourage you to make constant comparisons, it can be so challenging to find who you really are and what you really want to express.

These are some exercises and ideas that can help you connect with your deep truth, find your authentic voice and manifest your true calling.

1. Stop being afraid

Our fears are what get in the way of our happiness and success. One of the best exercises I’ve found to do is to sit down with a notepad and a pen and just get really honest about what scares you, write a list of what those fears are.

When you are authentic, you are not afraid to show up for who you are. The goal of this exercise is to get to the bottom of what is preventing you from entering your beautiful authentic self and expressing yourself as you wish. What holds you back from following your dreams?

You may feel that you:

  • Not talented enough.
  • Too old or too young.
  • Not enough experience
  • She has nothing to say
  • It will be rejected
  • You will not make any money doing what you dream.
  • It will not be accepted or taken seriously
  • It will annoy your family or friends
  • Once you have made a list of what scares you, take some time to write freely (just write without thinking or judging yourself). The aim is to write down what you would do differently if you were to start your life over today. The boy I used to tell you to do? How can you please the child in you? Write for 5 minutes without stopping to read back over what you wrote until you finish.

    Now consider the following statements/questions and complete them.

  • If I had known I was going to succeed I would have…
  • If I didn’t care what anyone else thought I would..
  • I secretly wish that…
  • If I could choose to do anything it would be…

    The next exercise is about getting to know yourself better. You might think you know your likes and dislikes but you’d be surprised! If you follow the instructions you will have 100 things at the end of this exercise and feel like you just had the deepest insight into who you really are!

    Write down 10 things you love about yourself. This can be difficult for some people. I suggest anything from the color of your eyes to your sense of humor or the way you treat your friends.

    Write down 10 things you are passionate about. It could be chocolate ice cream or endangered pandas or playing the guitar or watching the sunset… whatever you want!

    Write down 10 things you feel confident about. This can be anything from your knowledge about something specific, your language or baking skills to your relationships, your ability to run 2km… try to get an imagination.

    Write down 10 things you would like to learn more about. Anything goes! Art, politics, the environment, the inside of a car engine, how to make bread, your grandfather’s life as a child.

    Write down 20 things you would like to experience in your life. Get creative here! It can be as big as climbing Mt Everest or writing a best-selling novel or as small as sharing cheesecake one afternoon with a bunch of friends you don’t see much anymore.

    Write 20 things you would like to be. This can cover anything from a good parent to an awesome dancer, a respected journalist or a great listener.. let your soul come out.

    Write down 20 things you wish you had. A fancy car, a nice house, longer vacations or a close set of friends who live nearby.

    You will find that you enjoy doing this exercise, it can be challenging but once you get going you will discover things that you had forgotten to take care of or maybe you will even be surprised by what comes up during these lists.


    The final exercise is to engage in some quiet contemplative meditation. Meditation is an incredibly effective tool for discovering your authentic self. In that quiet space of connection you strengthen your sense of self. You increase your faith in your inner guidance which fosters confidence in the outside world. Even just a few minutes each day of quiet breathing where you ask yourself Who am I? It can be profoundly effective.

    Once you do these exercises and return to them regularly, you will build a secure sense of who you are on all levels and your confidence will increase.

    I recommend writing daily lists of your gifts, what you love and what you wish for. You will discover that you are slowly developing a sense of self that you can draw around yourself like a balloon. It is a powerful thing to do, it will keep you centered and connected to your authentic essence, and you will find it easier to make decisions, to identify what to do or not to do and help you move forward in all aspects of life.

    Manifestations will come much easier to you from this sense of connection because everything you speak, think and do will come from that sacred place that is uniquely you.