How to Harness the ‘Growth’ Energy of the Waxing Moon

Did you know that you can always work with the Moon, no matter the phase of its cycle?

Harnessing lunar power does not have to be confined only to the New and Full Moons. 

The phase of the moon between the New Moon and before the first quarter is known as the Waxing Crescent Moon.

This is when the moon’s illuminated area is slowly growing each night. 

The energy during this period is all about new beginnings, growth, progress, and heightened intuition.

You can tap into the frequency of the growing Moon and open yourself to new ideas and energies. 

If the Waxing Moon could be embodied in one word it would be growth. 

Growth in terms of your desires becoming more, your manifestations coming to fruition and your own intuition becoming heightened. 

You can use this time to focus on any intentions you set at the New Moon and most importantly be receptive to any new desires that are being born from those intentions. 

Marking the Waxing Moon with a ritual is a wonderful way to intensify your manifestations, and find clarity and inspiration. 

Here is an idea for a Waxing Moon Ritual that you can use for inspiration to create your own. 

Check-in with Yourself 

Sit down in a quiet space and light some incense or palo santo.

Take a few moments to breathe deeply and check in with how you are feeling.

Review any intentions you set at the New Moon.

Write down any new thoughts or ideas that may have come up for you since then.

Perhaps things are unfolding in a different way than you had anticipated. 

The point of this is to make sure you are up to date with your own energy signature.

Sometimes we move so fast in this world, we forget to check in and actually listen to our higher selves. 

There may be new inspiration, new ideas, and new intentions that you need to focus on. 

Write a ‘To-do’ List 

But this isn’t any old to-do list for your chores. This is about how you can take inspired action towards your manifestations during the Waxing Moon. 

Try to find at least 2-4 action steps that you can take during the next few days to move your dreams towards reality. 

These can be as small or as large as necessary.

The point is never to become overwhelmed, but you do need to push yourself outside your comfort zone if you want some part of your life to improve and change. 

The way to do that is to create easy-to-follow action steps that actually impact your desired outcome.

Remember, the Universe loves action and rewards us for it. 

Create a Miracle Journal 

In a new notebook, create your Miracle Journal.

This is where you will write down every single miracle or manifestation that occurs over the coming weeks. 

Once you begin writing down the signs of your desires becoming real, you can review them and remind yourself that your manifestations are being delivered to you in divine timing. 

You can include anything that appears to you as a sacred sign or a symbol of abundance and miracles that are on their way. 

It could be a conversion you have, a feeling you get, a synchronicity that occurs – it’s entirely up to you what you include here. 

Good luck and enjoy the energies of the Waxing Moon!