How to Master the Goal-Setting Power of the March Equinox Like a Pro

There are a lot of big power days in 2024, cosmically speaking, and March 19th is one of them.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the day of the Spring Equinox which means equal night and day

AND the start of a brand new season. 

The energy codes of this Equinox vibrate with the power of renewal, rebirth and goal-setting. 

On the day of the Equinox, our planet ascends into higher frequency,

offering all of us the opportunity to bask in the healing energy of the Earth and all its natural beauty. 

It also coincides with the beginning of the astrological year and the beginning of Aries season,

the first sign of the zodiac. 

See how everything about this time points to fresh starts? 

Some people even view this time of year as the REAL New Year,

with more potent renewal energy than January 1st in many ways. 

All of which makes it a fantastic time for you to celebrate how far you have come,

realign with the rhythms of nature and set intentions for the months ahead. 

SIDE NOTE – We have a major Full Moon Eclipse coming up on March 25th (more on that next week!)

and you may already be feeling the transformative vibrations of that now. 

Here’s how to make the most out of the Equinox Energies: 

Earth Healing

Spring is the perfect time to get outside and connect with nature.

Getting daily Vitamin D will also help you to focus and balance your hormones and regulate your nervous system. 

Walk barefoot on the ground if possible.

This is a fabulous way to strengthen your immunity, support your sleep and lower inflammation.

Not to mention the spiritual benefits of connecting to Mama Earth this way. 

If you do this BEFORE setting intentions, you will ground yourself for better focus on realizing your true desires AND knowing what’s needed from you to manifest them. 

Write Down your Goals 

This might sound like ‘duh’ but you’d be surprised by how many people keep their goals all stored up inside. 

The act of putting pen to paper (and yes, handwritten is best for this task),

is a transformative way to clarify your deepest-held desires and goals. 

Do some Research 

Don’t wait for the Universe do everything for you, take the time to see what positive action.

YOU can take to making shifts in your life. 

Read books, listen to podcasts, talk to people who have what you want,

and most of all invest in yourself through mentorship or classes to take action on your dreams. 

Even taking a micro-action towards making things happen will be helpful.

The energies of this time of year are extra supportive and healing to all your positive steps forward. 

Create Intentional Focus 

This is the perfect time of year to get very clear on how you use your mind. 

Do you have mastery over it?

And if not, where does your focus go during the day? 

Reflect on how your habits and day-to-day actions bring you closer to your life purpose, dreams and goals. 

Where can you make changes?

Where do you need to control your focus and attention and be more disciplined? 

If you can start to gain mastery over your own mind to create meaningful change during this Spring Equinox,

you are well on your way to making 2024 the most successful year yet. 

Use this energy to imagine, create and move into the highest vision of yourself. 

And relax – the Universe will be on your side.