Prepare for High-Frequency Energy  Downloads During the Sirius Gateway (July 4 -8) 

A sacred cosmic event occurs every year during the first week of July –

a spiritual gateway is activated between our planet and the star Sirius. 

This is known as the Sirius Gateway. 

It happens as the Sun comes into alignment with Sirius (located at 14 degrees of the tropical zodiac of Cancer). 

This conjunction between the Sun and Sirius takes place between July 4th and 8th, making those days and the days surrounding those dates extremely important. 

We are given access to high-frequency, transformative energy filled with wisdom and light. 

Heightened vibrations beam down upon us all giving us easier access to creative inspiration, spiritual evolution, technological innovations, and general advancements in all areas of our life where we are focusing positive energy.

If you have been longing for a way to unlock your true potential and apply it to your life path –

this Sirius Gateway is a sacred opportunity to do just that. 

This celestial portal carries energies that act as a catalyst for our personal growth – expanding our consciousness, and intuition and paving the way for profound spiritual transformation and the embodiment of our true selves. 

Why does this happen and what does it mean? 

Sirius was revered by many ancient civilizations and cultures and is considered to be our Spiritual Sun. 

Sirius has always been synonymous with the concept of spiritual evolution and awakening.

The ancient Egyptians considered the star Sirius to be connected to the Goddess Isis and Anubis – both were able to bridge the realms of the living and the dead. 

Some shamanic cultures considered Sirius to symbolize a gateway to the divine, a portal to heaven. 

In our contemporary astrology, Sirius is connected to the idea of freedom and the ability to embody and express our soul essence. 

The energy emanating from Sirius during this gateway invites you to raise your own vibration to actually transform your reality and create your dreams.

Make the decision to shed any old patterns, limitations, and beliefs and step into a new sense of self. 

You can then use these energies to anchor in more positive habits, integrating the powerful light frequencies and experiencing a deeper sense of connection and unity with the Universe. 

We all know, the more connected you are to the energy of the source, the easier it is to manifest! 

If you want to really make the most of this once-a-year opportunity, use the first two weeks of July to really get in touch with your inner self. 

It’s highly likely that your spiritual gifts will be amplified during this time.

Dreams may well become more vivid and prophetic.

You will have an increased sense of intuition and the ability to receive guidance from the Universe. 

Use meditation, mindfulness, aura cleansing, time in nature, free journaling, and creative activities to activate your intuition. 

Anything you can do to just be still and connect to your soul at least once a day will bring huge rewards. 

Don’t over-complicate this – just make sure you carve out time for quiet contemplation and listen to the guidance and insights that come up. 

Trust that you will be shown whatever is meant to be revealed to you in order to guide you into alignment with your highest calling. 

Enjoy the beautiful, spiritual energy of the Sirius Gateway!