Scorpio Season 2023 – Survive and Thrive 

This Scorpio Season is a powerful and potentially chaotic time of year.

As the sun moves out of air sign Libra and into water sign Scorpio on October 23rd, the cosmic environment begins preparations for the final Eclipse in a cycle that has been exerting its influence on us all since 2021. 

The Sun in the sign of the scorpion can make us feel deeply connected to our psychic powers and intuition – so it’s important to trust your gut feeling around this time. 

Scorpio is the sign of transformation, and this October/ November that theme feels intensified more than ever. 

  • A need to make changes.
  • An urge to clear old patterns.
  • A desire to see enormous shifts in your life.

All of the above are likely to be things you are ruminating at this time of year.

You might feel uncertain about what to expect ahead of you, but 100% sure that you cannot keep on the same way. Transformation has to come. 

Eclipses are likely to be physically and emotionally draining so taking care of yourself on all levels is paramount. 

Make sure to ground yourself as the Eclipse energy is quite destabilizing. 

Be sure to stay very hydrated, rest often, and eat highly nutritional food.

If you can be outside often in sunlight, make sure you take advantage of that. 

Everything that comes up for you personally during this Eclipse will be easier to process if you are taking care of your body. 

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th also brings a wave of energetic frequency that will help you to release and surrender the things you cannot control. 

That’s good news as it will aid you in clearing what needs to be cleared from your life and help usher in a feeling of renewal, transformation, and rebirth. 

Focus on the following kinds of activities each day to help you feel more grounded and ready for whatever this season brings. 

  • Morning journaling sessions. 
  • Decluttering your physical space.
  • Talk to friends and release emotions safely.
  • Practice self-care in nourishing, kind ways through food and exercise.
  • Rest when you need to and don’t feel guilty about it. 
  • Find time to be still and quiet.
  • Do something that inspires you creatively, like visit a museum or take an art class.
  • Spend time outside and appreciate the abundance of the season in the natural world. 
  • Do any kind of healing work that comes to you, clearing your shadow and understanding yourself deeply is always a good idea.

You will discover that by the time November comes around, new energies will be available to us and we’ll be much more grounded, settled, and ready to start anew. 

We’ll be discussing the specifics of the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus closer to the date so keep your eyes peeled for that.