Sound Healing with Tuning Forks

The sound is loud.

In fact, what is loud is not the sound itself, what we perceive, but rather the vibration of the sound. It interacts with us and creates emotions and states in our body.

Now, I’m not talking about the music.

Of course, music has a very powerful effect as well. Listen to a sad song and you will be sad. Listen to a happy song and it will boost your mood.

But while this is important, I’m talking rather about rhythmic frequencies that operate at certain frequencies and that interact with both the water in our bodies and our DNA.

You can use sound to improve your health, boost your creativity, increase your focus, and even become a better communicator with those around you.

Yes, it is that powerful.

But since you may never have heard of this before, let me explain how it all works.

And the best way to do this is to play music to a two-three year old. You notice something interesting.

He will dance. Even if he has no idea what dancing is, he automatically dances to the music.

Most adults find this amusing but it is proof of a deeper truth, one that has been revealed through countless experiments. This is that we have a natural and automatic connection with the surrounding vibrations. We are automatically influenced by them.

Rhythmic vibrations are something we naturally detect and follow.

Others say since everything is high speed vibrating matter, since everything around you is nothing but vibrating energy, giving the impression of solid matter, this ability to connect with the vibrations around us and to be affected by them lies in ours. DNA, as natural as life itself.

We don’t know for sure but we know it’s true. Even weapons are developed and used to incapacitate people through sound. It is real. It exists right now. And they have also used sound as a form of alternative medicine for thousands of years since ancient times.

Leaders and great minds of the past have discovered that sound can be used for everything from inspiring fear to bringing comfort and joy to calming groups of people and even healing serious illnesses.

And that means two things to you.

First, you can learn how to protect yourself.

Sound is not only used offensively. There is a long history of using sound to keep crowds under control, to stifle creativity, and to dampen emotions. Sound as a weapon of pacification is nothing new and Nazi Germany used it to great effect.

Back then, Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, an evil man who used every tool at his disposal to sell the big Nazi lie used sound at 440 HZ to keep the masses under control. He discovered through several experiments that people, when exposed to this frequency, even for a short time, improve and are less likely to rebel.

Some historians say that his use of 440 HZ in music, speeches and announcements was a key tool in preventing the German people, war weary and suffering from rebelling against the Nazi war machine.

While this is rare nowadays due to people’s access to information, some dictators and totalitarian leaders still use sound with a frequency of 440 HZ to keep crowds under control, dampen their instincts to rebel or which act against the interests of the leader.

Sound Healing with Tuning Forks

Second, you can learn how to use sound to heal yourself and improve your life.
This may also be the most important thing you can do for your development as a person. If used properly, sound can change your life and can change the frequencies on which you operate, so that you become a better person.

You turn pain into joy.
You turn suffering into hope.
You turn conflict into love.
And all with the help of vibrations through the power of sound.

All healing frequencies are based on the seven scales of solfege.

Your body is made up of about 80% water. Your body is also made 100% of energy, as everything is around us.

Energy vibrating at fast speeds gives the impression of matter. This is elementary high school physics.

One of the popular ways to use sound energy is through tuning forks.

Traditionally, tuning forks are used to tune musical instruments. The sound this instrument makes is totally pure. It was invented by John Shore, a British musician in 1711.

Today, tuning forks have become a versatile instrument, which is used for various healing processes.

A tuning fork is a two-sided metal fork that can be used as an acoustic resonator. It works by releasing a perfect wave pattern to match a musician’s instrument. The same wave pattern can be used in medical situations.

Types of Tuning Forks

Sound Healing with Tuning Forks

There are two types of tuning forks:

  • Weighted tuning fork – has a weight attached to the end of its arms. The weight allows more vibration for the fork. The use of a weighted tuning fork will allow the receiver to easily feel the vibration entering the body.
  • Non-weighted tuning fork – used for listening as it can produce a quiet sound but can be easily heard when placed up to someone’s ears or around the head.

Why Tuning Forks

Tuning forks are used in sound healing. They are proven effective because our bodies are not solid, but rhythmic and harmonic. When we are sick, it is a strong indicator that our body has gone wrong, or the rate of vibration of our body has lost its rhythm.

Our body is made of water, and in turn, water conducts sound, which makes the body a great sound resonator. In water, the sound resonates four times faster, and travels through the body which can help to remove any blockages we have. When these blockages are released, it helps to ease the pain to ourselves, and therefore, increases the flow of positive energies that pass through our veins.

That said, a tuning fork is an effective method of applying sound to the body. As mentioned, there are different forks you can use, and each fork has a different effect on our biological rhythm.

Because of its resonance and rich vibration that connects and supports our natural frequencies in the body, it helps us to heal.

How to Find the Right Tuning Fork

When choosing a tuning fork, it is crucial to ask where you feel most connected. For example, Solfeggio tuning fork is based on numerology found in the Old Testament, while the Solar Harmonics are based on the five elements.

Another thing you should know is to ask your body. Close your eyes and think about the tuning fork you are planning to buy. Do you feel connected to her? If it does, and it feels good, then it means it’s the right tuning to buy.

If you find it difficult to get in, you may have someone ask you. Through this, you will find yourself not thinking, but instead, more aware of how you feel.

What to Expect

Sound Healing with Tuning Forks

When you undergo sound healing with tuning forks, you will enter a meditative state—whether you are doing it for yourself or you have someone do the therapy for you.

During the process, you will be able to see and feel your connection with the air around you and everything else in the room. You will be able to see your own energy field and feel your whole body vibrating.

It will feel as if you are physically moving, but it is actually the vibrational frequency of your body. At first, the movement will feel physical, but when you do it many times, you will get the feeling of falling into freedom.

You can also journal the effects of forking yourself at home. The effects journal gives you a clearer insight into how it is helping you, and at the same time, opens you up to trying other types of tuning forks and musical scales.