Stop Blocking Your Blessings… Tap Into Abundance with EFT

Imagine you’re walking down a bustling street…

your stomach rumbling with hunger…

eager to find the perfect spot to eat. 

In front of you are two restaurants: 

One looks undown with peeling paint…

dim lighting inside…

and a somewhat uninviting waiter at the door. 

Right across the street, there’s another restaurant…

But this one is completely different…

Bright lights, vibrant colors, and a cheerful waiter who smiles warmly as you approach.

Guess what?

This scenario paints a perfect picture of how our inner state can either attract

or repel our deepest desires

The first restaurant, with its unwelcoming vibe and lackluster appearance,

represents a mindset clogged with negativity and doubt. 

Meanwhile, the vibrant eatery embodies a mindset

that’s been tended to with care—optimistic, bright, and ready to receive. 

Why am I sharing this?

Everyone has the power to change their inner state,

to renovate their mental and emotional ‘restaurants’ so to speak. 

I want to show you how to use a simple but powerful tool called EFT,

or Emotional Freedom Techniques

This tool can help transform your internal world into a place that attracts positivity

and success, much like the bustling, inviting restaurant across the street.

What is EFT?

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques,

is a form of psychological acupressure that involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body

while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations. 

This tapping helps manage stress and anxiety, promoting a healthier,

more positive mindset.

Why EFT for Manifestation?

Just like a well-maintained restaurant draws in more customers,

a well-maintained mindset draws in more opportunities and successes. 

EFT helps you clear out old, ineffective patterns and replace them with vibrant,

positive energy that attracts your desires. 

This makes your inner world a place where dreams want to come and stay.

Let’s explore how EFT can help you set the table for success.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using EFT for Manifestation

Step 1: Define Your Manifestation Goal

Consider what you want to ‘serve’ in your life’s restaurant. 

Is it a hearty helping of joy, a platter of prosperity,

or a cocktail of confidence? 

Specify your order.

Step 2: Craft Your Set-Up Statement

Identify what’s keeping your restaurant’s ambiance dull.

Is it fear, stress, or self-doubt? 

Craft a set-up statement to acknowledge these feelings: 

“Even though I feel [emotion], I deeply and completely accept myself and invite positivity.”

Step 3: Begin the Tapping Sequence

Start tapping on the designated points,

akin to renovating each corner of your restaurant:

  • Top of Head (TH)
  • Eyebrow (EB)
  • Side of Eye (SE)
  • Under Eye (UE)
  • Under Nose (UN)
  • Chin (CH)
  • Beginning of the Collarbone (CB)
  • Under Arm (UA)

Step 4: Introduce Positive Affirmations

As you tap, introduce affirmations like fresh, vibrant decor. 

For example, 

“I welcome abundance and success with open arms,”

or “I am deserving of lasting happiness.”

Step 5: Conclude with a Closing Affirmation

Finish your session by affirming your readiness to receive,

just as a good restaurant closes the night knowing they’ve served their best: 

“I am now open to all the goodness life has to offer.”

Step 6: Reflect and Repeat

Pause to feel the effects, as if savoring a good meal. 

Reflect on the emotional shifts

and consider how the ‘dining experience’ of your life has improved. 

Regular practice keeps the ambiance welcoming and appealing.

Now, think about your own life’s restaurant. 

Is it inviting the kind of experiences you desire? 

Have you tried using EFT to enhance your manifestation efforts?

Share your thoughts, experiences, or even your hesitations in the reply. 

Let’s discuss how we can all keep our doors open to abundance and success.

Remember, every tap in EFT is like a small renovation to the soul,

making it brighter, more welcoming, and more aligned with your aspirations. 

Let’s keep building our dream spots, one tap at a time.