Want to Live your Best Life? The Sacral Chakra is Crucial for Personal Power 

The Sacral Chakra is the chakra of creativity, pure attention, and pure knowledge. 

This chakra connects us to what inspires us. It represents creativity, finances, personal power, relationships, and sexuality.

It is where deep emotion resides. 

One of the most important connections to the second chakra is about letting go, moving outwards, and being in flow with the Universe. 

Taking the kind of attitude that ‘whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened’ is a very balanced Sacral Chakra energy. 

Whoever is present is the right people, and whenever something begins is the right time.

Equally, when something is over, it’s over. This kind of outlook is key to strengthening your Sacral Chakra. 

Taking charge of your Sacral Chakra energy is crucial to your personal power. 

You must empower yourself and take responsibility for balancing your Sacral Chakra if you want to live your best life. 

Create Personal Power through Activities

A great idea is to create an activity in your life that requires you to use your personal power – i.e. draws upon your discipline, motivation, and tenacity. 

If you tend to find it challenging to complete projects, or if you experience a lot of indecision, or have difficulty manifesting changes, you will benefit from creating concrete goals, deadlines, and target dates, and planning specific action steps to finish a project or even taking part in a physical activity that requires intense focus, such as martial arts. 

Understand how you Absorb Energy from Other People 

Other people’s energy can disrupt your own, making it harder for you to draw upon your true, personal power within.

Your intuition gets sort of blurred and you become more aware of how everyone else is feeling. 

Counter this by paying close attention to how you feel before and after group situations, and before and after encounters with specific people. 

Take note of when you find your mood or mental state shifting for no apparent reason, try to discover what might be the energetic source behind this shift. 

Strengthen your Sacral Chakra with Food

One sign of an imbalanced second chakra is a craving for carbs and sugary foods.

This Chakra relates to desire, and often we try to fill any energetic void with these kinds of foods.

Instead, adopt a healthier diet including lots of raw, vibrant fruits and vegetables. 

Try to eat mindfully and slowly, appreciating every bite and giving thanks for the abundance of nutrition available to you. 

Release Old Ties to Past Relationships

Try regular journaling about your past relationships.

Holding onto resentments, shame, or feelings of regret can cause blockages in the Sacral Chakra.

One of the best ways to release those emotions is by acknowledging them and then allowing them to pass through you. 

Regular morning journaling can help to clarify what you still might be hanging onto even unconsciously. 

Allow yourself to feel any old emotions and then just let them go.

There is so much power in simply acknowledging what still lingers there – often just that awareness of old emotions dissipates the hold they have over you. 

Best advice?

Take these lessons seriously and take the necessary steps to unblock your Sacral Chakra.

It really is key to living the kind of life you desire and you will feel amazing once you align this Chakra and step into your true power!