Your Easy Astrological Overview for the Cosmic Energies of September

We are already into the first week of September 2023!

This month is set to bring some exciting cosmic alignments.

The overall energy of September is about grounding, stability, and a shifting of priorities in career, communication, and health-related issues.  

We begin the month with six planets in retrograde, which can be pretty intense, however, things shift before long.

On September 3rd, Venus turns direct followed by Mercury on September 15th. 

Venus Direct

Venus in retrograde is always about reviewing relationships, love, and self-worth.

We may have been considering a change of some kind in our committed relationships, or something important could have come to light.

When Venus turns direct, clarity is felt around this topic. We may feel a greater sense of heartfelt truth. 

Grand Trine 

We also experience the magical cosmic alignment known as a Grand Trine at the beginning of the month.

This is an alignment between the planets Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto occurring in Earth signs.

This is great news, no matter the chaotic effects of retrograde energy, this overall stabilizing, grounding force will be felt on and off throughout the whole of September. 

Any time you feel anxious or lost, this calming, secure energy will bring you back down to earth.

Of course, we are also still in Virgo season until September 22nd/ 23rd, one of the most secure and healing Earth signs of the zodiac. 

Jupiter Retrograde 

On September 4th Jupiter begins its retreat through Taurus, creating a powerful chance for us to notice where we have become inflexible with our beliefs and face up to the problems that may have caused.

Jupiter in retrograde can also make us feel a bit overwhelmed, so it’s important to remain optimistic and grateful for all that is good in our lives.

Jupiter remains in retrograde until the end of December 2023.

Mercury Star Point

On September 6th we have the Mercury Star Point.

This happens when the Sun and Mercury align.

As Mercury is still in retrograde until the 15th, we can expect this alignment to bring a certain clarity to any kind of confusion, delay, miscommunication, chaos, or muddy thinking.

Some relief may occur on this day as things become more obvious to you and solutions materialize. 

New Moon in Virgo and The Fall Equinox 

We’re also going to enjoy a New Moon in Virgo on September 14th ushering in new beginnings and opportunities, (more on that nearer the time), as well as the Fall Equinox shortly afterward, helping to guide us into a brand new chapter and season of our lives, both literally and metaphorically. 

Full Moon in Aries 

At the end of the month, we will have a powerful and energizing Full Moon in Aries.

This Full Moon is linked to the Aries New Moon and the Solar Eclipse we experienced in March and April, so any intentions you set back then may well begin to manifest at the end of September. 

September Affirmations 

Here are some mantras or affirmations that you can use to focus on throughout the month, no matter what’s going on cosmically!

I embrace change no matter what.

Every morning is a gift of opportunity and growth.

I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, big and small.  

Happy September!