Your Mini Guide to The Transformative Power of the Aquarius Full Moon

Mark your calendars for August 19th and the last Full Moon before the beginning of Eclipse season. 

This Full Moon in Aquarius is all about surrender and flow. 

Who here finds it hard to go with the flow of life? 

Type AQUARIUS MOON to embrace a sense of surrender now and claim this lunar energy. 

Eclipse Season is always a time of change and transformation,

and this Full Moon is basically setting us up for that, kind of like a cosmic helping hand. 

Change and uncertainty are always challenging for most people,

we like the comfort and stability of things staying the same. 

The thing is, life is change.

Whatever energy this moon brings into your life,

embracing a state of surrender and flow will make anything that happens much easier to deal with. 

Instead of trying to completely control what is happening around you (always impossible!),

allow yourself to trust, be present and surrender to the energy of what is. 

That is the predominant message of this Aquarius Full Moon. 

Uranus Shakes Things Up

We also have Uranus, the natural ruling planet of Aquarius in an active state with this Full Moon. 

Uranus brings an unpredictable energy.

It’s a kind of wildcard planet that indicates something occurring that we didn’t expect.

Maybe some unexpected information or some kind of change of direction in your career or other areas of your life. 

Uranus can also uncover anything that is not working in our lives,

bringing that to light together with the illuminating effect of the Full Moon. 

All of that can bring a certain volatility to this time period,

perhaps making us feel moody or irritated by events or people around us. 

But remember this – Uranus shakes us to wake us! 

When something is being shown to you, have the courage to look at the truth that it exposes. 

Yes this Full Moon might make you feel uncomfortable,

BUT it’s all for your benefit! Sometimes we have to see what is no longer good for us

in order to leap into a better situation, new way of being, and a higher state of consciousness. 

Innovation, Independence and Individuality 

The Aquarius Full Moon also emphasizes the importance of personal independence

and remaining authentic and true to what’s in your heart. 

Aquarius is all about innovation, doing things your way, exploring new ideas and breaking free from old pattens. 

If things arise for you during this time that cause you to feel stressed,

try to remain calm and not succumb to any hasty or impulsive reactions. 

This will help you to break free from old ways of reacting and dealing with things,

and step into a new way of acting from a place of clarity and centeredness. 

Which Ritual is Best for the Full Moon in Aquarius? 

Several rituals can help you make the most of this lunar period. 

Choose what make you feel the most peace within.

When you nourish your own inner peace, your reality will align with that vibrational frequency. 

Moonlight Bathing – Spend time cleansing your frequency and recharging your energy outside under the moonlight. 

Journaling – Write your intentions and journal around how you can make changes over the next few weeks and months,

to align with what you desire.  

Meditation – Focus on cultivating inner peace and calm so that you can more clearly visualize a future you,

based on new energy and authentic desires. 

Disconnect from Technology – Spend the evening of the Full Moon offline.

Light some candles, surround yourself with crystals, and just enjoy reading, mediating,

or journaling without the urge to check your phone or devices.   

The Takeaway 

These easy practices and rituals can help to anchor you in new, transformative energy and release any old patterns. 

Even just the intention to be more present, in flow,

and open to whatever comes can set you up right for the weeks ahead. 

Harness this cosmic, lunar energy to help propel you forward with change

and confidence as you move into the future with the intention to create the life you desire.