Have you been carving your pumpkin for Halloween yet? 🎃 Besides getting out your jack-o-lanterns and wearing scary (or slutty!) costumes, the spirit of Hallow’s Eve brings spiritual energies that you can use to your advantage.
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Originally, October 31st is a celebration of the dead. It came from Samhain, a Celtic festival which is also a celebration of the last harvest of the year and the end of summer.
Today, Halloween has become a fun celebration where parties are thrown in every bar, people get drunk, and straight out partying on the day itself. However, there are still some of those who celebrate it in a sacred and spiritual way.
And if you are one of those people, then you have come to the right page.
Connect with Spirit
Halloween is a time when spirits are most active. The veil between the physical and the spiritual realm is thin and thus makes us more aware of what is happening in the spirit world.
Instead of getting confused by this, it is the perfect time to tune into the spirit realm. You can do this by simply honoring your ancestors and loved ones who have passed on.
Spirits are likely to send you signs that they are around you. It can be as simple as spirits appearing in your dreams or it can be a bit more complex as electrical occurrences.
In some cases, they make their presence felt by catching a whiff of their scent or appearing as an insect or animal.
Face Your Shadow Self.
Our shadow selves are what we keep hidden. Our shadow is the silent monster that haunts the darkness. It is a part of ourselves that we do not like. The shadow is made up of the mistakes we have made in the past that we have not fully repented of.
Halloween is the best time to release our shadow side – not to cause harm to anyone, but to finally release its grip on our lives.
Use this time to recognize your shadow. Shine a light on the parts of yourself that you are ashamed of. Acknowledge their existence, as hard as it is, and accept that they don’t define us.
To get in touch with your shadow, sit in a quiet place and let your mind focus on your breathing.
Imagine a door. This door takes you back to the present. Now, allow yourself to travel away from the door to find your Shadow. Call her slowly. Be kind and encouraging.
It may take some time and some encouragement, but your Shadow self will come. When so, be open and loving. Remember that this is a neglected part of yourself. Make her feel comfortable with you and embrace her.
When you are ready, walk to the door and tell your shadow. I finally set her free…
Release, Let Go
Halloween time is a chance for you to release and let go of the things that are no longer beneficial in your life.
Why not celebrate Halloween by opening new chapters and finishing old ones? Make an effort to let go of the negative vibes that are tied to past patterns, situations and thoughts. They no longer have a place in your life.
You can also do an energy cleanse to help you better release everything you need. Paint a nice salt bath or why not practice a cleansing meditation?
Energy clearing meditation is quite easy. You can simply smudge your home with a sage stick and meditate. Sage is associated with Samhain rituals as well.
Apart from letting go, honor what you have achieved in the last year. Just like the falling leaves, you are letting go of what is gone and now you are ready to harness the power of new cycles in your life.
Remember, Halloween is not to be feared.
In fact, it’s a wonderful opportunity to make more of an effort to release what needs to go in your life, honor your intuition, and look forward to the many beautiful possibilities that are now coming your way.
Halloween pushes you to welcome the unknown and bring extra “spooky” magic into your life.
There is more to Halloween than pumpkins and bats. If you care to look, you can tap into your spiritual self more during this period. Face your fears, embrace all things scary, accept your shadow, and treasure the experience.
During this time, you can also ask Archangel Michael and your spirit guides for help. They can bring calming energy and protect you as well.
Celebrate the magic of the Halloween season and walk the path to a more spiritual you. It is a life-changing experience and will bring a refreshing energy into your life that will make you feel and think more positively.
Happy Halloween!