4 Simple Steps To Do Reiki at Home to Improve Your Immune System

In the midst of the pandemic 😷, many of us are looking for ways to strengthen our immune system. From filling ourselves with high doses of vitamin C, eating healthy foods, 🥬 to working out 🏋🏻‍♂️, did you know that you can improve your immune system with Reiki?

Reiki is effective because it is a divine universal energy. The body, mind and spirit know how to direct the universal divine energy where healing is most needed. Over the centuries, Reiki has been used in various forms.

Today, Reiki is called energy healing, which emerged in Japan during the late 1800s.

According to Reiki practitioners, energy can become stagnant in the body where there has been physical injury or emotional pain. Eventually, it leads to energy blocks that cause illness. 🤧

With Reiki, it will help the flow of energy and remove blocks, which induce relaxation, slow down, and reduce other symptoms of illness.

Stress and your immune system

One of the main things that weakens the flow of energy in your body is stress. 😰 Stress occurs in our lives when we have too many conflicting thoughts and feelings that block our body’s energy system. In addition, it is also the root of many illnesses and diseases today.

4 Simple Steps To Do Reiki at home to improve your immune system

It is the job of our immune system to prevent infections and system. Our immune system is highly dependent on a healthy supply of white blood cells. Stress, along with other factors, can reduce or weaken our white blood cell count.

Strengthen your immune system with Reiki

With reiki, it will help the body release stress and tension through deep relaxation. 💆🏼‍♂️When Reiki is done regularly, it will act as a preventive measure that helps keep the immune system at its best level.

Reiki stabilizes and increases the white blood cell count. White blood cells are the cells of the immune system that help the body defend against germs and infectious diseases 🦠 such as colds, flu, and sore throats. When an infection enters the body, the white blood cells turn their attention and rush to the germ and fight it. In addition, the white blood cells are always alert for invasion in the body.

When the white blood cell count in the body is low, it needs to work beyond its capacity. However, this puts your body at a higher risk for germs. However, when you remove the stress, the white blood cells can return to normal and protect the body from viruses.

DIY Reiki Healing

4 Simple Steps To Do Reiki at home to improve your immune system

You can do Reiki healing on your own by following these simple steps:

  1. Lie down and make sure you are in a comfortable position. Place both your hands on both sides of your upper rib cage.
  2. Now, place your right hand on the middle of the chest on the thymus gland, which is located below the collarbone, while the left hand remains on the lower side of the rib -your left. This helps in treating the spleen and helps in autoimmune diseases.
  3. Place both hands on the lower ribs. This is for your other organs such as your liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. It helps to regulate digestion and rejuvenate your energy.
  4. Place both hands in a V shape on your lower abdomen. This step provides grounding and strength.

For each position, do this for about three to five minutes.

Are you ready to do some reiki healing on your own while at home?

Strengthen your immune system even more with Reiki today. 🤲🏽