Look to the skies on the night of May 26 for a rare and beautiful cosmic spectacle —
A bright Super Full Moon in the sky it will turn red as it is eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow.
This is a rare event — we have a lunar eclipse when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, which can only happen on a night where the Earth, Moon and Sun are aligned.
This eclipse is also called a Blood Moon because the light from the Sun that normally shines on a regular full moon is blocked during a total eclipse, so the red color we see on the surface of the Moon is wavelengths of light refracted from Earth.
In astrology, a Blood Moon is a symbol of a great coming change, the need to make important changes or transformations in our lives.
Like every Full Moon, we can find that this is a time of release; Perhaps we feel the lightening of a load or a sense of a path being cleared in front of us towards an action we have been deliberating whether to take or not.
During SuperMoon and Lunar Eclipse, these feelings of letting go and release are magnified even more.
An eclipse is often a big sign from the Universe that it’s time for you to let go of something in your life.
This could be anything from a toxic relationship, an uninspiring job, or some heavy emotions that need to be cleared.
I know that sometimes people are anxious about the idea of Eclipses like this one on May 26th because they have the potential to shake things up for us, sometimes putting us where we want to be, which may NOT be where we THINK we want to be we will be .
The trick is to have FAITH, even if challenges arise for you.
Eclipses are like divine portals that can push us forward to where we want to be on our soul journey, to places we may not yet be aware of.
Eclipse energy acts like a kind of pivot point, and can be tapped to support you in taking a leap and raising your vibration into a higher state of consciousness.
Imagine this Lunar Eclipse a bit like a fresh start.
A bit like when you reboot your computer or any machine.
It’s a chance to start over, with a fresh slate, ready for new energy, new ideas, and new manifestations.
As with every great full moon, our desires and intentions can also be illuminated at this time.
You can often see what may need to be released.
You may even feel a greater power to see into your future, clarifying exactly what you want to create and attract into your life.
It is also typically a time when secrets or information, and knowledge that has been covered up can come to light.
That knowledge can either be in your own life on the wider world stage and give rise to change, transformation and awakening.
Moon in Sagittarius — Energetic Themes
Sagittarius is a curious, philosophical and positive sign that rules the higher mind, belief systems, truth and freedom.
Its powerful energy encourages us to step outside and see the bigger picture from a broader perspective.
With its symbol of the archer’s arrow, Sagittarius can help us set firm intentions and aim firmly in their direction, even if we don’t know exactly where that arrow will land.
Sagittarius guides us to let go of control, and trust in the greater outcome for our higher selves.
If you’ve been wondering about making a significant change in your life but felt afraid to take the plunge, this celestial energy is strong and supportive.
You can’t take away your fear, but it can help guide you to the best possible and most abundant version of your life, using your fears as a reason to boldly expand!
It is important to note the position of Jupiter that squares the Sun and the Moon at this time of the eclipse.
Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and acts like a lens of all that manifests for you and the world in general during this eclipse.
Whatever energetic Sagittarius themes arise for you will be strengthened by the positive presence of Jupiter.
Remember! If you can master your manifesting abilities, this fast moving eclipse energy is so supportive of making big changes.
Try to go outside as much as possible and take extra care of your physical body..
Honor it with nutritious food, sunlight, exercise, lots of vitamins, and good sleep.
Play with your creativity, leaving time for rest, relaxation and fun.
All this will serve you in terms of keeping your energy high, pure and clear.
When your energy is vibrating high, you can make big positive changes in your life.
Whatever mission you are on as a unique soul in this Universe, this Blood Moon Eclipse can remind you of that purpose and offer lessons and transformations to help you move towards the next stage of trip of a lifetime.
As long as you can try to be in a state of gratitude, compassion, joy, and love for most of the time you are awake and aware of your thoughts and actions each day, you will magnetize a new beautiful experience to you.
Simply surrender to faith and trust whatever appears to fall into your life during the days surrounding the Lunar eclipse.