Every time we have a New Moon it means it’s a super exciting time to manifest, and this New Moon in Aries is no exception!
Being the first New Moon of the astrological new year, it is a turbocharged cosmic time full of magical energy to support your dreams and manifesting desires!
Don’t miss out – this is literally one of the best times of 2022 to make the most of new opportunities and a new beginning.
Here’s a little recap on why New Moon’s are perfect for manifesting:
- They represent the end of one cycle and the beginning of another – they symbolize a second chance, a clean slate – the chance to start over.
- They are accompanied by a purifying energy that helps us reflect, journal, meditate and make plans.
- The lunar cycle has a strong influence on our planet and our bodies.
- The moon has always been linked to the inner world, the shadow side, deep feelings, emotions, and hidden desires.
- The moon fails to disappear completely on the night of the New Moon can be seen as a birth that transforms into death – a monthly reincarnation that is reflected in our own lives.
This New Moon in Aries happens on April 1st but the energies will be felt for the next week or so.
This is excellent news for you! You can perfect your manifesting abilities and set new intentions.
If you’ve been looking for the right time to launch a new business, dive deep into a creative project, or spring clean your house — this is it!
The positive cosmic energies in the sky at this time support a huge burst of creativity, new ideas, and out-of-the-box style changes for business, work, or life. your home and lay a strong foundation for you to begin manifesting your absolute. a dream life.
How to Set Your Intentions:
The first thing you need to do is see what your intentions are!
You need to be as specific as possible with these.
I recommend the following process to be clear about your intentions.
Brainstorm Your Ideas — Get a notepad and write down without limitations the intentions you believe you have at this time – the things you want, the things you want to change, or any other ideas that come to mind.
Fall into the Space of Your Heart — Sit still and let your breathing become calm.
Place one hand on your heart, or both hands on your stomach and quiet your mind.
Ask your inner guide or higher self to reveal to you which of your intentions are most aligned with your highest path.
Listen to anything that comes up, no matter how crazy it may seem in your mind.
The point of this is to let your heart energy speak.
Write down your intentions — Now that you hopefully feel clearer about what your actual intentions are, write them down again.
If possible write them in such a way that they sound positive and possible to you.
For example, if you want to lose weight and do more exercise write: I am taking positive action towards my health through healing nutritional choices and daily movement.
When you state your intentions in a way that makes them feel attainable, positive and inspiring — that goes a long way in helping you stay on track.
If you just wrote I’m going to skip my usual bagel and coffee and go to the gym every morning, you might feel less inclined to stick with it!
It seems more like something you don’t want to do, as opposed to something positive for your body.
Take Action On Your Dreams – When we talk about the cosmic energy being supportive and magical, this does not mean that you sit back and do nothing yourself.
You still need to take aligned action to make progress on your intentions. There is a delicate balance in manifesting between surrendering your desires to the Universe and ensuring that you remain proactive in your physical life as well.
You are a co-creator in the divine Universe!
So make sure that every single day you are doing something active and even daring towards your goals.
Share your creations online with others, start a new course, take a different class, whatever you know is in line with your deepest and heartfelt intentions.
Finally, don’t forget to follow your intuition.
This Aries New Moon will make you feel motivated, disciplined, and excited for what’s to come.
Any dreams, intuitive nudges, or signs you see from the Universe will be significant during this time.
If you feel drawn to follow your instincts, be sure to act on it.
Even if it feels like a big leap of faith.
Having the courage to move towards your biggest hopes and dreams is such a beautiful thing.
The Universe will reward your bravery with signs that you are on the right path.
The New Moon is a cosmic timer, perfect for intention setting!
You can always rely on the moon as a powerful tool to help you manifest your desires.
You don’t need special astronomical or astrological training to set intentions in harmony with the lunar cycles, all you need to do is know when they are and what each cycle means.
It is a wonderful and natural way to remind yourself if you were feeling off track, to get back in the game!
This New Moon in Aries can bring you back to focus on your wildest dreams, and support you with its quick, fiery energy to get things done!
Good luck and Happy Manifestation!