The Powerful Practice of Journaling for Manifestations and Happiness

Are you aware of the hidden power of journaling to process life’s challenges, raise your vibration, and create the life of your dreams?

Journaling has been proven to be very effective in releasing emotions, improving mental clarity as well as working through difficulties, managing anxiety, and boosting your confidence.

But that’s not all of the wonderful benefits of journaling, add to this mod writing can help you manifest your dreams.

And you’ll understand why writing in a journal is something that many successful people do every morning.

Why Journal?

A group of neuroscientists in Germany wanted to understand how the creative process activated different areas of the brain in fiction writers.

By comparing writers at different levels (some practiced experts, some novices), they concluded that a specific area of ​​the brain called the caudate nucleus was activated when the expert writers were writing.

What this means is that those writers who were used to writing fiction over a period of time activated the area of ​​the brain (the caudate nucleus) that corresponds to skills that have been practiced and become almost second nature or use less thought aware

Therefore, when people regularly engage in creative writing, it becomes easier, or second nature, for them to dream up images and worlds and put them on paper.

I’m sure you can see how this could apply to a successful manifestation!

If you get into the habit of writing down your hopes, dreams and desires, you will strengthen them in your mind, and gain clarity on how the different ways they can manifest.

Journaling or writing every morning allows you to express your dreams and make your wildest desires tangible.

I like to think that I give life to my thoughts – that I give them permission to live and become reality!

Putting pen to paper opens the door to your subconscious mind, and once that stream of energy starts flowing, the words keep coming, and you start creating!

If you’ve never tried journaling, or you think, “I can’t write, I’m not a writer, etc.”

Know this – It is not about creating perfect prose or poems that you will publish.

It is the process of writing down your thoughts, ideas, worries, concerns, dreams, frustrations, and emotions, on paper. Once they are on paper, writing becomes a form of therapy.

Of course, you don’t have to write only about what you want to manifest.

Working through the challenges is also essential and will help you peel away the layers of doubt and fear that sometimes obscure the path to manifesting your dreams.

For example, if you’ve had a really bad day and you’re having a conversation over and over in your mind, writing it down can help release the negative energy you’re still holding on to.

You will find that getting the issue down on paper often helps you to clear the emotions and process the experience.

I guarantee you will feel better afterwards, without having to solve anything!

You can also write at the top of the paper:

“I need help with XYZ. I’m feeling stuck and scared.”

And then let yourself write down whatever is bothering you.

It’s a wonderful way to work through false beliefs, residual anger, and any of the blocks you have to abundance and manifesting what you want!

I find that my anxieties or worries often feel like a dense lump of energy in my heart space or stomach area.

When I write what I’m feeling and get it all down on paper, I feel a sense of freedom and relief much like the feeling of releasing emotion through crying.

It is such an energetically powerful practice.

You may have heard of Julia Cameron’s famous book, The Artist’s Way. In it, it describes “Morning pages” as “the bed tool for creative recovery.”

Julia Cameron says that three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing should be done as soon as you wake up.

She emphasizes that the pages don’t have to be artful at all, but rather involve writing down whatever comes to mind.

From worrying about your grocery list to remembering your dreams to reflecting on your friendships.

When you get them on the page, you’ll discover that those stream of unconscious thoughts don’t really bother you during the day.

Essentially, you’ve removed the “garbage” a little first, before you go out into the rest of your life with a clearer mind.

When you do this first thing in the morning, after a period of probably only about two weeks, you will start to notice the difference.

You will feel clearer, more confident, and connected to your higher self.

Your self-esteem will increase, and you will KNOW YOURSELF better.

The reason that journaling in this way helps you to manifest is primarily that it helps you to unfold who you are and what you want.

When you know yourself more deeply, you become aware of what is hindering you from a happier and more abundant life.

It may seem like a roundabout way to get there when you’re whining or complaining about your life on paper!

But it really works!

You’ll likely find that once you let go of frustrations and anxieties, you can then better articulate your hopes and dreams.

Remember, no one but you will ever see these pages, and you don’t have to read them again once they’re written if you don’t want to.

You don’t have to tell anyone what you’re doing, it can be a completely private practice that you do alone with your nicest notebook and pen (handwriting is an important aspect of journaling – something magical happens with the physicality of it ).

If you turn it into a sort of morning ritual, you’ll be more likely to stick to it.

Practice makes perfect, and as those German neuroscientists discovered, practice is essential for this to become second nature.

Exciting transformations can happen in your life when you make journaling a regular part of your schedule.

You feel rejuvenated, positive, and clear-minded about your life.

The power of writing to improve your life is truly something I could write about for days!

So why not give it a go?

Start today, start tomorrow, make the commitment to do this for yourself, you won’t regret it, and you will be so excited once you start seeing the changes in your life.