Did you know that as humans, we gravitate toward some universal human desires? These are deeply held desires.
We share common basic human needs, such as love, belonging, esteem, security, and self-actualization.
Often, these universal desires are overlooked, but if we just look within and examine them closely, we can use them to use the Law of Attraction (LOA) that allows us to live the life we have always wanted.
Here are some of our universal desires:
As simple as craving approval—its concept extends beyond feeling accepted by people we know. An important part of acceptance is self-acceptance. When we deny parts of ourselves, we distance ourselves from who we really are, and this is where inner peace becomes elusive.
Our hunger for knowledge is something we all desire. As we find ways to satisfy our curiosity, we also revel in the feeling of wonder. For some, the hunger for knowledge may be about learning about things that inspire passion. Curiosity is also crucial when developing attention towards connection with the present moment.
Our desire to follow moral codes encourages our desire for honor because it allows us to access the feeling of loyalty. It is often linked to our desire to be seen in a positive light by people who are important to us.
This is based on our desire for routine and organization. It is essential to maintain our general health, and is associated with a feeling of stability.
Our drive for idealism comes from the desire for social justice. We express it by taking actions to correct what seems unfair or by giving one’s time, energy, or products to others who are in need. Along with this behavior comes the feeling of compassion.
This is motivated by our desire for autonomy, and is expressed in varying degrees. However you choose to express your desire for independence, it always carries with it a feeling of freedom.
So, what is the importance of these universal desires? There is a consistent message behind them all, and that is to find a healthy balance that will allow you to move towards your goals effectively.
You have to let go of the idea that any one desire is better or worse than another. Recognize that humans are nuanced and cannot be fully understood.
As with all our universal desires, you must be aware of the extremity to which the desire and its associated behaviors are expressed.
Keep in mind—we are who we are, we want the things we want, and all of these cannot be summed up in one word. When you fully recognize this, you will notice that you feel freer from anxiety and fear, which will open a wider path towards manifestation and accept what the Universe sends our way.