A 7-day plan to Balance your Chakras with Herbs

Perhaps you know a little bit about Chakras already, but today we’re going to dive into how to align those chakras, bringing them into balance using herbal tea. 

Herbs have long been used for healing by humans in all cultures across the globe.

Natural herbs hold a powerful energetic frequency that connects us to Mother Earth. 

There are so many plants available on our planet that offer medicinal and healing properties for all sorts of ailments and diseases.

In terms of energy vibration, herbs can help us balance and ground ourselves, clearing any areas that are blocked. 

As you probably know, Chakras are energy centers in the body.

When they are out of balance we are more susceptible to physical, mental, and emotional issues. 

Using herbs to heal your chakras is so wonderfully beneficial not just on a physical level but on an energetic level, clearing out stagnant debris and increasing your flow of life force energy throughout the energetic pathways of your body. 

Let’s look at how you can take care of one chakra per day of the week with herbal tea. 

Monday – The Root Chakra 

Mantra: I am 

Color: Red 

Responsible for helping us feel literally ‘rooted’ grounded emotionally and physically. Our foundation. 

Imbalances: Anxiety, lower back issues, hip pain, depression, anger, feelings of scatteredness, lack of concentration. 

Herbal Tea: Dandelion root, ginger, elderflower. 

Tuesday – The Sacral Chakra 

Mantra: I feel 

Color: Orange

Responsible for creativity, sexual energy, connection, and flow. 

Imbalances: Addiction, hormonal imbalances, UTIs, reproductive issues. 

Herbal Tea: Calendula flower, Hibiscus

Wednesday – The Solar Plexus Chakra 

Mantra: I do 

Color: Yellow

Responsible for feeling personal power, decisive, and self-control. 

Imbalances: Insecurity, low self-esteem, lack of compassion, digestive issues. 

Herbal Tea: Rosemary, cinnamon, fennel root. 

Thursday – The Heart Chakra 

Mantra: I love

Color: Green 

Responsible for feeling love for self and others. Forgiveness and compassion. 

Imbalances: Relationship issues, jealousy, codependency, being a recluse, antisocial, lack of motivation, unable to forgive. 

Herbal Tea: Jasmine, Hawthorn berry, Rose petals. 

Friday – The Throat Chakra 

Mantra: I speak

Color: Blue

Responsible for speech, communication, self-expression, 

Imbalances: Speaking over people, difficulty speaking up, thyroid and throat issues, unable to express your truth. 

Herbal Tea: Red Clover Blossom, Lemon Balm 

Saturday – The Third Eye Chakra 

Mantra: I see 

Color: Indigo 

Responsible for our ability to see the larger picture to focus and connect to our intuition and inner perception. 

Imbalances: Disconnected from spirituality, lack of clarity, headaches, sinus issues, nightmares. 

Herbal Tea: Mint 

Sunday – The Crown Chakra 

Mantra: I understand 

Color: Violet 

Responsible for wisdom, enlightenment, and connection to source. 

Imbalances: A lack of direction, feeling lost from your path and disconnected from divinity.  Migraines, mental illness. 

Herbal Tea: Lavender, lotus root.  


Making herbal tea to heal your chakras is straightforward! 

You can use simple herbs and spices yourself and steep in hot water. 

Following this 7-day plan is a great way to ease into chakra healing with herbs. It’s super easy to do and you can rest assured that you are addressing all seven chakras and any imbalances you may have.