Why Following the Moon Cycle will Improve your Manifesting

Following the lunar cycle to manifest is not some out there, crazy, woo woo idea!

It actually makes perfect sense when you break down the different phases of the moon

and see how they tie into the manifestation process for us. 

Do you regularly practice moon manifesting rituals?

Hit reply and let me know your favorite rituals, I’d love to hear from you. 

You can refer to the following information when you need a reminder of how the moon can assist you

in manifesting your desires, or whenever you need extra confirmation that moon rituals really do work! 

Because FYI, they do! 

First, a quick reminder of how manifesting works: 

The Law of Attraction is a universal law that essentially states that like attracts like from a vibrational perspective. 

Wherever your energy and attention goes is what you will be attracting back into your life.

Whether that be what you want or not. 

So one of the key aspects of successful manifesting is gaining a certain level of mastery over your thoughts and energy,

to be sure that you are actually attracting the things you desire. 

What’s amazing is that the natural process of manifesting really does mirror the lunar cycle. 

Take a look at this: 

The first step in manifesting is getting clear on what you want, aka setting intentions. 

This is mirrored with the energy of the New Moon. 

The second step in manifesting is taking inspired action.

That is mirrored with the energy of the waxing moon. 

The third step in manifesting is appreciation and gratitude,

which is perfectly mirrored with the energy of the Full Moon as it amplifies your vision. 

And finally, the last step in manifesting is release and surrender.

This is reflected in the energy of the waning moon as it begins to disappear again after the full moon. 

New Moon Intention Setting 

The New Moon is the perfect time to set intentions because it symbolizes a blank state,

a new beginning, and a chance to start over fresh. 

When you practice an intention setting ritual at this time in the cycle,

you magnify the energy around your intentions.

It’s the ideal time to plan and refocus on what you desire,

checking in with your energy and making sure it aligns with your desires. 

The Waxing Moon – Inspired Action 

The moon is growing again at this time, and this is reflected in the energy of expansion and ideas.

It’s the perfect moment to take action that aligns with your intentions, and be open to new inspiration,

change of direction or anything that guides you with a full YES towards your dreams.  

The Full Moon – Celebrate and Appreciate 

The moon shining full in the sky is an opportunity to look at all that you are grateful for and all that you celebrate in your life. 

It’s also the right time to notice any obstacles and blocks in your way.

The light of the full moon always illuminates where our attention should be going in our lives,

so use this time to be realistic and authentic with what’s going on in your experience. 

The Waning Moon – Release and Surrender 

Following the Full Moon, the energy is ideal for letting go and surrendering to the universe.

Whatever was amplified for you at the Full Moon needs to be released from your life,

and this period of time before the New Moon begins again is perfect. 

It’s likely that blocks and challenges come to your attention during this time

in order to be healed and cleared from your life once and for all. 

What Does it All Mean? 

My take on these natural cycles is that they are showing us the value in moving through different phases.

Nothing can stand still, not in nature or in our lives.

Everything is in constant flux. 

Often people get stuck in intention setting, or stuck in action, or even stuck in just feeling hopeless.

When you use the lunar cycle as a guide,

you will always be transforming through different phases that are natural and supportive of your highest good. 

Of course, the lunar cycle is cyclical so there is always a chance to come back to the beginning again with the New Moon,

and start over with clear and fresh intentions.

That is the beauty of this work. 

Happy Moon Manifesting!