New Moon in July: What to Expect Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The Moon is a representation of intuition, spirit, the shadow self, and the emotional side.

Each phase has its meaning, and the most beautiful of all is when new beginnings arise due to the arrival of the new moon.

Each new moon has a different effect, and on July 28, this lunation focuses on exposing the truth.

All those emotions and thoughts you’ve buried come out and give you the closure you need to move forward.

But how will this affect your zodiac sign? Here’s what to expect.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You should focus your attention on community, teamwork, and cooperation.

From the moment, relationships will be important to you, and whether they are with friends, family, work colleagues, or love partners, you will see an improvement in this area.

Although you will be financially successful this year, strive to keep your focus on the bigger picture of your contribution to your community.

Pay attention to the inner voice that is urging you to create new and original ways to help others—through volunteering and pursuing passion projects.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Your career will get off to an exciting start; it can expand your knowledge enormously and lead in a whole new direction.

Don’t be afraid of risks and trust your innate ability to know what is right for you.

Your creativity and determination will see you through any vulnerable moment as you evolve in big ways in 2022.

Go during the month knowing that you can take on any issue with perfectionism or procrastination; you can power through with flying colors.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

It’s a great year for traveling (when possible), learning, and getting rid of anything that’s been holding you back in recent months.

Now is the moment to broaden your perspective and horizons, to dream bigger dreams than ever before, and to have confidence in your own potential to succeed.

When in doubt, look for new ways to study, pick up a new skill, increase your knowledge, and use your expertise.

Also, this year is a very good time for romantic relationships and meaningful friendships.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, you are surely aware that you are an emotional sign and that you sometimes lose yourself in friends and relationships.

Set limits this month and prioritize your healing. Both you and the development of your emotions and spirituality are significant.

The new moon encourages you to let go of emotional burdens and get rid of things that no longer benefit you.

If you go inside and face your dark side, you don’t need to be terrified of being vulnerable.

You are strong. Believe in yourself.

This year, prioritize all of your health, including your emotional, physical, spiritual and mental well-being.

You will benefit from personal care. Don’t be afraid to speak up at work, speak the truth, and be confident in who you are.

Leo Horoscope (July 23 – August 22)

This is the month for romance for you, Leo.

Find your mind on love and all connections until 2022.

You will be learning some great lessons about communication and how to compromise without abandoning your needs.

You may find that you want to make your closest membership a priority.

Work, you will also see some shifts and changes, so trust that if you are following your heart and your intuition, it will take you where you want to go.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Regarding your work and health habits, you will have a successful year.

There will be progress in your professional activities, but you must be very focused, disciplined, and definite about your goals.

During July, success and creativity will go hand in hand, especially on the day of the new moon, when something career-changing can happen.

You should also take this opportunity to review your workout schedule and personal care practices.

The focus is on health and wellness; to create healthy self-care routines, you must connect with yourself on an emotional, physical and spiritual level.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

In terms of your search for truth, this is a significant year for you, and you will be learning exactly what inspires and makes you happy.

You will have many opportunities to explore, experiment, learn, exchange information, and express yourself throughout the year 2022.

If this applies to you, you are also given the opportunity to start a brand new chapter of romance and love, which will be full of joy and adventure.

Prepare yourself for some interesting twists and turns in your working life as you will be full of fresh, creative and original ideas for your career.

The stars are aligned this year in a way that makes you a true leader.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This new moon, don’t be afraid to take big risks and speak your truth as you work to evolve and create the kind of life that accurately reflects who you really are.

You’ll find yourself quite focused on securing your roots at home, whether it’s finding a new sanctuary or creating a more stable one.

It may also mean making some changes in your social group and who you surround yourself with.

New work opportunities will be coming your way, and things may change in terms of how you spend your time and where you are earning your money.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

2022 is about self-evolution for you, so prepare for a busy and exciting year.

You’ll be learning how to balance freedom with meaningful relationships in order to make the most of your experiences this year.

Connecting and networking will bring excellent opportunities, and the way you express yourself and listen will be essential.

Be aware, present, and thoughtful to create inner healing and meaningful changes to create great success.

You may be pushed to find a better and more effective work-life balance.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Think about what you value, what you want, and what it will take for you to achieve your goals.

Finances and income are on your mind, and this is the ideal time for you to redefine what security means to you.

This year will bring transformation and innovation for you in matters of money and career opportunities.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You will experience enormous personal growth and powerful changes.

There is something of an air of destiny being fulfilled about this July.

You will come out of it with a strong sense of self and a redefined image of what you are capable of.

The universe is always ready to fulfill our dreams, and this year you will learn that lesson the most.

Shoot for the stars as you work on traits like resilience, vulnerability and faith to bring you well-earned success in all areas of your life.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This new moon for you is all about preparing for big changes where needed, particularly when it comes to any situations, people, or beliefs that hold you back from who you know you should be.

You will have the knowledge and strength to let go of anything negative that weighs you down.

Lose any bad habits and move forward with deep confidence and self-esteem towards your brightest dreams.

You may be inclined to explore your more mystical side this year, so take some workshops, read a book, and start a meditation practice.

What do you think about this new moon for you?