Don’t Chase Abundance, Let It Find You With These Tricks…

Let’s talk about frequency—no, not the kind on the radio. 

I mean the frequency of your energy, your vibe. 

Ever heard the phrase, “Like attracts like“? 

Well, here’s the secret: 

Frequency is simply what’s frequent

What you do, feel, and think regularly becomes your energy pattern. 

And that energy pattern? 

It’s what attracts your reality.

Here’s the twist. 

If you want to raise your vibration for abundance,

it’s not a one-and-done thing. 

It’s about consistency—about making the right energy your default setting. 

Think of it like brushing your teeth. 

You don’t just brush once and expect clean teeth forever, right? 

Same goes for your vibe. 

You’ve got to raise it daily until it sticks.

When you raise your vibration consistently,

it doesn’t just become part of your day—it becomes who you are. 

Do it often enough, and that energy becomes your frequency.

And guess what? 

That frequency pulls in abundance like a magnet.

I believe each of us is meant to live in flow, in abundance,

and with a sense of ease. 

My core belief is that life shouldn’t feel like a constant struggle. 

I share this because I know, deep down,

that you have the power to transform your reality. 

You deserve to thrive. 

And the best part?

It’s not as hard as it seems.

This matters because so many of us feel that we don’t have enough—not enough time,

not enough money, not enough joy.

We’ve been conditioned to think abundance is something external,

something you have to chase. 

But the truth is, abundance starts within you. 

Once you tune your frequency to abundance, prosperity starts flowing to you,

instead of you always having to chase it.

What’s something you do regularly to keep your energy high?

I’d love to know—drop a reply and let’s share ideas.

Now, let’s talk about how to make that shift.

1. Daily Gratitude: Your First Step to More

Start small, but stay consistent. 

Write down three things you’re grateful for every single day. 

When you focus on what you already have,

it sends out the message: 

“I have enough, and I’m ready for more.” 

Gratitude is like a seed; when you water it with attention,

it grows into abundance.

2. Affirmations: Speak Your Reality into Existence

Say this with me: “I am worthy of abundance.” 

Feels good, doesn’t it? 

Now imagine saying that to yourself every morning. 

Words are power, and when you speak abundance,

you start to believe it. 

And when you believe it, your energy shifts. 

Your words become your vibration,

and that vibration attracts what you’re affirming.

3. Visualization: See It, Feel It, Become It

Close your eyes and imagine your dream life in vivid detail. 

How does it feel? 

Can you see yourself living in prosperity, surrounded by joy,

in a state of peace? 

Visualization helps tune your energy to that future reality. 

It’s like pre-setting your GPS for success—the more clearly you see it,

the quicker you get there.

4. Give Generously: Become a Channel for Flow

Here’s a little secret about energy—it moves. 

When you give, whether it’s money, time, or love,

you open yourself up to receiving more.

It’s not about giving everything away;

it’s about creating flow. 

When you operate from a place of generosity,

you’re telling the universe, 

“I have more than enough.” 

And the universe will match that energy.

5. Tuning Forks

Use tuning forks to align your body’s energy centers,

especially ones tuned to the frequency of abundance (528 Hz). 

This vibrational healing tool sends out a pure tone

that can help recalibrate your energy

to resonate with wealth, health, and prosperity.

6. Laugh Your Way to Wealth

Laughter instantly raises your vibration. 

It’s one of the quickest ways to dissolve negativity

and create a light, joyful energy that attracts abundance. 

Try “laughing yoga” or just intentionally watch something hilarious. 

Laughing signals to the universe that you’re in a state of joy,

which magnetizes more joyful experiences.

7. Connecting with Abundance Archetypes

Explore the concept of archetypes,

especially ones that represent abundance—like the “Empress” or “King” in Tarot or mythology. 

Meditate or journal on embodying their energy. 

Imagine yourself stepping into that role,

acting and feeling like someone who effortlessly attracts wealth and prosperity. 

It shifts your mindset into abundance mode,

empowering you to live as though you already are abundant.

8. Charge Your Money with Intention

Next time you receive money—whether it’s a paycheck, a gift,

or even loose change—hold it in your hands and infuse it with intention. 

Feel gratitude for the money you have and send it love before you spend or save it. 

Visualize it multiplying and coming back to you tenfold. 

This creates a positive, loving relationship with money,

raising your vibration around wealth.

The key takeaway?

Raising your vibration isn’t a one-time event. 

It’s something you practice until it becomes who you are

The secrets to abundance aren’t locked away…

they’re in your habits, thoughts, and energy.

Make it frequent, and it will become your frequency

And when your frequency matches abundance,

there’s no limit to what you can attract.

So, I challenge you: 

Start today. 

Pick one of these practices and stick with it. 

Make it part of your daily life until it feels natural, until it becomes you.

And when you notice those shifts—because you will notice them—come back

and share your experience with me.

I’d love to hear how raising your vibration opens doors for you.