A Fall Equinox Ritual for Gratitude, Intentions, and Release 

Are you ready for the September Equinox? 

The September Equinox is considered one of the biggest energetic turning points of the whole year.

Energy starts to shift in a new direction at this point, guiding us to grow, expand, evolve, and change. 

Historically the Equinox is a sacred time of potent cosmic energy. The veil between the physical and spiritual world is much thinner, making it easier to receive messages and spiritual downloads from the Universe.

The energy grid of the planet raises its frequency. 

In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time for nature to release, go within, and reflect.

It is the season of letting go.

In the Southern Hemisphere, nature is just about to burst into blossom.

It is the season of rebirth. 

Wherever you are in the world, you will feel the energy shift as the seasons change. 

As we are in the Northern Hemisphere, we focus on that going within energy to heal and reflect. 

You have probably heard the expression – Energy flows where attention goes. 

It means that when you focus your attention on the things you want, you feed them with powerful energy and they begin to manifest. 

You can think about where you want to place your focus and attention in order to bring those intentions into your life this Equinox. 

Many different ancient cultures celebrated the Equinox with ceremonies, rituals, and feasts. 

You can use the following ritual ideas for your own celebration of this time.

They will help you to grow through inner healing, embracing your highest authentic soul path, and manifesting your dreams. 

Set Intentions with an Equinox Autumn Altar 

It’s a great time to merge with the energies of the earth, connecting with Mother Nature outdoors in order to heal and harmonize your vibration.

Get out into nature and choose anything you find that symbolizes the season.

Think fallen leaves, apples, flowers, a pumpkin or squash, pinecones, etc. 

Now choose a place to decorate in your home, somewhere that can be your Equinox altar – a sacred space that represents your connection with the Universe. 

You can add your favorite crystals, and candles, burn any essential oils that remind you of this season (sandalwood, cypress, sage, rosemary), and add any items that are meaningful to you. 

The idea is to create an altar that makes you feel uplifted, in tune with the high frequencies of the Equinox, and inspired to manifest your dreams. 

Now you can sit in quiet reflection for a while, simply calming your mind and meditating. 

If you don’t have a specific meditation, just go through each part of your body from your head to your toes and imagine breathing in a brilliant, white, healing light. 

After your meditation, reach for your journal or notepad and make three lists: 

  1. All that you are grateful for in your life. These will be the things that will continue to appear in your life, they will be renewed and enhanced with the season. 
  1. All the things you wish to call into your life – your intentions. These will be what you intend to manifest and create. Your highest intentions for your life, growth, and prosperity. 

Reciting these out loud is a super powerful way to set them in motion. 

  1. All that you wish to release to make space for your dreams to grow. Think about bad habits, doubts, patterns of insecurity, and limiting beliefs. Decide to let them go. 

Leave your list by your altar for a few days. 

You can return each morning to remind yourself of your lists and focus your energy on what you wish to manifest.

The energy of the Autumn Equinox will assist you! 

Enjoy this powerful time and be sure to mark the occasion.