A ‘Goodbye List’ Ritual for Starting a Blank Slate 

As we stand on the brink of the new year I want to share with you one of my favorite new year rituals. 

Now is the perfect time to do this,

before January really takes a hold and you get swept up into the hustle and bustle of 2025. 

This is a great way to prepare yourself for the new year

and for manifesting the kind of life you really want to be living going forward into this year and all those to come! 

It’s a good thing to do before you make any intentions or resolutions,

as you will have cleared the necessary space in your head and heart,

to welcome in your most heartfelt desires instead. 

My “Goodbye List” Ritual. 

This might sound sort of strange at first,

we are so used to setting intentions that are about what we desire and want to manifest.

Making a list of the things you want to say goodbye to, can feel kind of unfamiliar. 

I promise you though, it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself,

as the energy shifts into a whole new beginning, you are going to want to be prepared for what is to come. 

Releasing what you no longer need creates the best possible foundation for going forward. 

So, here’s what you need to do: 

Make a Goodbye List:

Get a pad or your journal and a pen. 

Find a quiet, comfortable place to concentrate on this,

and be ready to sit for at least ten minutes as you do this. 

Think of everything in your life that you wish to release.


From the weight of old belongings to habits that you want to change

and relationships that are dysfunctional or toxic. 

Ask yourself the following questions:

Where do I need to raise the bar in terms of my behavior? 

What habits tend to derail me and distract me from my path? 

What objects do I own that I no longer need? 

Are there people dragging me down?

Or energy that ties me to people who may no longer be in my life,

yet somehow I still feel drained by them? 

Are there lies that I am telling myself? 

Where am I ready for an upgrade in my standards?

How can I shift my acceptance to tolerate my old ways of doing and being? 

Think long and hard about the depth of these questions

and try to really feel into your instinctive answers. 

Your goodbye list needs to be comprehensive and something you can refer back to constantly,

to remind yourself of what you no longer accept in your life. 

Let me share with a short version of my own goodbye list from a few years ago….

I say goodbye to: 

1. Old journals that no longer speak to who I am today. 

2. Not treating myself with self-respect and value. 

3. Waking up too late. 

4. Saying yes when I mean no.

5. Letting clutter accumulate in my home. 

6. Self doubt when it stops my creativity and self-expression. 

7. Not keeping in touch with old friends and loved ones. 

8. Allowing toxic people into my life because I don’t know how to set boundaries. 

9. Allowing myself to be distracted when I am writing.

10. Negative self talk about my appearance. 

11. Too much coffee in the mornings.

12. Feeling guilty for saying no when I really don’t want to do something. 

13. Not allowing time for relaxation, fun, and play. 

14. Thinking I cannot have what I truly desire. 

What would yours look like?

Reply to me and share if you feel called to!

This “Goodbye List” is about getting rid of everything

that doesn’t support the kind of person you are on the inside.

The kind of person you wish you were now. 

Make the intention be to remove from your life anything and everything

that doesn’t match your vision of yourself.

Set the bar high, raise it.

Raise your standards and use the power of a New Year and new beginnings

to make the decisions that will elevate, amplify and revolutionize your life .