Actionable Ways to Soak Up the Slower-Paced, Grounding Energy of Taurus Season

Astrologers all over the world are talking about how April was a super intense and powerful month cosmically.

With such an extraordinary line up of astrological events,

April really had the power to reshape our journeys,

on a personal and collective level. 

After such a jam-packed month of intense planetary alignments,

it’s with a certain relief that we have the sun entering Taurus on April 10/20th until May 20/21st.

Not only that but we have had Aries ruling the skies for the last month,

so the shift from fire to earth energy is even more soothing. 

If you felt all fired up with the passion of Aries,

then allow the grounded, productivity of Taurus to help you see through any visions and goals. 

Taurus is a grounding, Earth sign.

It’s your sign to slow down a little, take stock of what’s going on around you

and get clear on where you want to direct your time and energy. 

Aries Season was all about getting inspired and passionate,

Taurus is urging us to be more deliberate and focused.

If you’ve been rushing ahead, don’t lose your fire, just let it be grounded with a little practicality,

in order to see those dreams and projects through. 

Remember that Taurus is also linked with pleasure, and material things.

It’s the perfect season for remembering the simple, good things in life.

Take time to stop and relax and just soak in the ways that your life is going well. 

Taurus is also ruled by Venus, the planet of love.

The energy might also bring up themes of self-worth and issues in relationships. 

The combination of Taurus and Venus can often prompt introspection around what makes you feel safe,

secure, and able to express love and compassion to yourself and others. 

The keywords of Taurus season are: Stability, grounding, determination, loyalty, and rootedness. 

How to Channel the Energy of Taurus Season: 

  • Carve out time to work on creating a foundation for your goals and dreams. 
  • Make a list of practical ways that you can meet your deadlines and project into the long-term with your planning. 
  • Get your finances in order (Taurus is great with money)
  • Organize your home and work space to reflect your vision. 
  • Do something that boosts your feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, such as taking a new class, getting a makeover or starting a new fitness regime. 
  • Change up your schedule – do things in a different order or work from a new space once a week and bring new energy to direct forward towards your dreams. 
  • Don’t be afraid to slow down and take breaks. You also need to relax in order to recharge and move forward again with momentum.
  • Make time for simple, lovely indulgent things such as hot baths, saunas, massages, dinner with friends and spiritual retreats. 

The Takeaway 

Use this time to slow down after the hectic pace of the last month.

Focus on the things that are sacred and meaningful to you,

and move forward with a sense of deep groundedness in yourself and your power to make magic happen.