Activate your Chakras for Abundance with the Power of the Full Moon 

You are a being made up of light, love, intelligence, and energy.

When you wish to attract something into your life, you must remember that your thoughts control the energy flow around you.

What you think about determines what flows into your life, and what is held back. 

The different energy centers of the Chakras within your body are also influenced by your energy and thoughts.

In order to activate and attract abundance in your life you need clear, spinning Chakras. 

Whenever we have a Full Moon it creates the perfect energetic space for activating your energy centers (Chakras) and releasing anything old that holds you back. 

The following is a Full Moon Visualization and Clearing Exercise to activate every single one of your major Chakras.  

On the night of the Full Moon, sit somewhere undisturbed and breathe in and out very deeply.

You are going to open yourself to the healing energy of the divine light of the Moon. 

Visualize the Full Moon getting closer and closer to you until you can imagine holding it in your hands, like a huge white ball.

Focus your awareness on the magical qualities of the moon in your hands, as though it were a crystal ball filled with light. 

Now imagine the energy coming from this moon ball in your hands and merging with the energy from each of your seven chakras. 

Imagine the different colors of your chakras floating into the moon ball and brightening in intensity there. 

Starting with your red Root Chakra, imagine that red energy now merging back into the area around the base of your spine. Feel a much larger sense of groundedness and calm. 

Next, see the orange color of your Sacral Chakra and imagine it flowing out of the magical moon ball in your hands and circling around your navel. Feel yourself filling up with confidence and creativity. 

Now, focus on the yellow energy of your Solar Plexus Chakra flowing into your stomach area, infusing every cell of your body with strength, empowerment, and control. 

Now, imagine the beautiful calming green energy of your Heart Chakra as it floods your heart center and fills you with the feeling of love, joy, peace, and happiness.

Feel unconditional love for yourself and others. 

And now you can see the blue energy of your Throat Chakra leaving that moon ball and circling your throat center.

You feel a jolt of pure expression, the ability to speak your mind with ease and freedom. 

Focus your attention now on your Third Eye Chakra, visualizing an energy of indigo color, flowing easily out of the moon ball and penetrating your third eye.

As it does, you feel the surge of new ideas, thoughts, and psychic intuition. 

Finally, you have reached your Crown Chakra.

See the purple energy of that center flowing from the moonball into the top of your head.

As it does, you feel a light sensation connecting you to your higher self. Your true essence. 

Take a few seconds to feel the true power of this activation of your entire energy body.

Feel the vibration of abundance coursing through your energy body.

Feel the energy of excitement, inspiration, and endless possibilities as they open to you. 

As you remain in this feeling you may release the moonball from your hands, imagining it transforming back into the moon and drifting away from you, back to its place in the night sky. 

Inhale deeply and exhale.

Give thanks to the moon for its magical energy and renewal of each of your energy centers.

Your chakras are now ready for the next phase of your life and are healed, balanced, and activated.