Aligning Your Chakras with the Planetary Energies of January 25, 2025

What if we were inextricably linked to the energy of the Universe? 

And every single cosmic event that happens in the sky above us,

has an influence on our own energy as humans down on Earth? 

The truth is that everything in our Universe

is connected by energy vibration, and that includes us!

So when something significant happens in astrology,

such as the planetary alignment we are expecting on January 25, 2025

– we are all impacted in unique ways. 

We cannot help but be influenced by this energy,

it’s just like being touched by the light of the sun, or feeling rain on your face

– we are all a part of this world,

and that includes feeling unseen energies from the Universe around us. 

But did you know that your Chakras – your seven primary energy centers

– are profoundly connected to celestial energy?

Each planet carries its own distinct vibrational energy

that corresponds to a specific chakra,

in turn influencing our physical, emotional, and spiritual states of being. 

Here’s how you can expect to tap into this planetary alignment on January 25th

and harness that energy for chakra alignment and spiritual growth, balance, and renewal. 

The Planets and their Chakra Connections

The Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Saturn

Saturn is linked to structure, discipline, stability, and grounding, qualities

that are also governed by the Root Chakra. 

During the planetary alignment,

Saturn in Pisces urges you to look within and ground yourself emotionally and physically,

making sure you are feeling secure, strong, and empowered..

Practice grounding exercises like walking barefoot

or visualizing roots growing from your feet into the Earth.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) – Venus

Venus is linked to ideas of love, beauty, and creativity,

resonating with the energy of the Sacral Chakra.

On January 25th, you have the opportunity to heal any emotional blocks and wounds,

and tune into to your creative flow. 

Practice moving your body freely with dance or yoga

to harness the energy of this chakra. 

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – Sun

The Sun represents personal power, confidence, and vitality.

These qualities are also ruled by your Solar Plexus Chakra.

The Sun is our live-giver, it energizes your Solar Plexus

and offers you the change to step fully into the energy of power and confidence. 

Heart Chakra (Anahata) – Jupiter

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, adventure and abundance,

mirrors the Heart Chakra’s openness and capacity for love.

Focus on yoga poses that open your heart center,

and write gratitude lists to tap into this energy of harmony and compassion. 

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) – Mercury

The Throat Chakra rules communication,

self-expression and speaking truth.

Mercury is the planet aligned with this Chakra.

During the planetary alignment,

Mercury encourages you to be clear in your words and communication. 

Practice chanting, speaking affirmations aloud, singing and journaling. 

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) – Uranus

Uranus is the planet of awakening, sudden insights, and deep intuition.

It is related to the Third Eye Chakra,

which governs all things psychic, visionary and spiritual. 

Practice visualization or meditations that activate this Chakra,

to harness the energy of intuition,

innovative thinking and deep spiritual understanding. 

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – Neptune

Neptune, the planet of spirituality and dreams,

resonates with the Crown Chakra and it’s connection to the divine. 

This January 25th alignment will encourage a deeper connection to all that is,

the divine universal consciousness all around us.

Meditate and practice feeling how you are part of everything else at this time,

to channel this energy successfully. 

How to Work with the Planetary Alignment on January 25, 2025


Sit in a quiet, peaceful space and visualize each Chakra,

one by one, as a glowing orb of light,

starting from the root and moving up to the crown.

As you focus on each Chakra,

imagine its corresponding planet’s energy flowing into it,

balancing and energizing it.

Feel how connected you are to the Universe. 

Astro-Chakra Affirmations

Design your own affirmations tailored to both the Chakras and the planetary energies.

For example:

Root (Saturn): “I am grounded and secure.”

Sacral (Venus): “I am in flow” 

Solar Plexus (Sun): “I radiate confidence and strength.”

Heart (Jupiter): “I am open to love” 

Throat (Mercury): “I express myself with ease”

Third Eye (Uranus): “I am visionary” 

Crown (Neptune): “I am connected to the infinite wisdom of the universe.”

What to Expect

You can use this cosmic event to balance and realign your own energy centers,

using the positive energy from the planets and creating space

for deeper clarity, balance, and growth. 

You might experience a deep sense of peace,

a surge of creative energy,

or even a clear vision of how you want to move forward in life. 

The alignment on January 25, 2025,

is an invitation to harmonize with the cosmos

and use that energy to improve your own state of mind,

emotionally and spiritually.  

Take this opportunity to tune in, align, and shine!

Drop your comment below and let me know how it goes for you.