Astrological Spotlight: All you Need to Know about the Venus and Mars Alignment on February 23rd 2024

On February 23, Venus and Mars will be aligning in the sign of Aquarius.

When these two come together, we all get to experience an awakening of the feminine and masculine energies in our own lives. 

Venus is the Goddess of Love, and Mars is the Brave Warrior. 

These two planets coming together is a rare event signifying great unity.

They represent the two cosmic lovers – the yin and yang. 

The two together will awaken themes of relationships, sexuality, soulmate contracts, creativity, and authenticity in our lives.

These energies can be felt for about seven days either side of February 23rd. 

Venus Energy 

Venus is the sacred feminine.

The wild, flowing energy that belongs to all of us and all of nature – the stormy waves, the moonlight, the jungle. 

In astrology, Venus is known as the plant of love, beauty, harmony, and money. 

Venus Energy is all about connecting to creativity, beauty, and your inner Goddess.

It’s a call to manifest wealth and abundance of all kinds. 

Mars Energy 

Mars is the sacred masculine.

This is the energy of rationality, taking action and being strong. 

It is the energy of security, stability, and in nature, it is the warm sun. 

In astrology, Mars is the planet of action, fearlessness, and strength.

The energy is about pushing past any fears, rooting yourself in confidence and strength and moving forward no matter what. 

What does this alignment mean for you?

The aligning of these two planets in Aquarius can initiate a growing desire in you to express yourself, and speak your truth, especially in relationships. 

Venus and Mars were last in alignment in March 2022.

If you cast your mind back to this time, you may be able to observe how your relationships have changed and evolved, or how your perspective on love has transformed. 

You might also see how the masculine and feminine energies within your own psyche have evolved. 

Below are some other themes or feelings that may arise during this time: 

  • New relationships
  • A soulmate encounter 
  • Ending toxic relationships
  • A need for independence within a relationship
  • Spiritual awakenings triggered by relationships
  • Some kind of healing around soulmates/ wounds from the past 

What can you do to create balance with these Venus and Mars energies? 

If you’re wondering how you can use this information to enhance your life, here are some ideas for tapping into the different energies. 

Tap into the Venus Energy: 

  • Slow, deep breathing exercises. 
  • Spending time in or near water.
  • Doing yoga.
  • Spend time in stillness and silence. 
  • Observe the moon and charge crystals under its light.
  • Do heart opening meditations.
  • Experience beauty every  day 

Tap into the Mars energy:

  • Create a plan and set goals.
  • Do more vigorous exercise.
  • Spend time in the sun.
  • Go on a hike or a cycle in nature. 
  • Journal and release what you are holding onto emotionally. 
  • Assert yourself and express your voice. 

The takeaway

The alignment of Venus and Mars is basically a cosmic invitation to work on finding balance in your life between the two energies and what they represent. 

If you need to focus on your relationships, this is a really magical time to do so.

The Universe will support any action you take.

The ideal would be for you to find a balance between  deep mediation and introspection and being proactive and brave in your decisions.