We are approaching the autumnal equinox which will mark the first day of autumn.
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The fall equinox will occur on Monday, September 23, 2019, which is also the beginning of Libra season.
As the leaves turn brown and crisp, the weather turns cold, and the nights grow darker and lonelier, it’s time to breathe and ride the slower rhythm that the energies will vibrate after a charged summer.
In Pagan cultures, this time of year is recognized as an in-between point. It’s not winter yet, and it’s not summer yet.
It is the perfect time to go within and clarify your intention. Use this time to re-think and re-energize what you want to achieve in your life.
Remember, the seeds you plant now can be harvested next spring. Think of your intentions as roots. Roots take time to grow. They spend months in the world and grow slowly.
And during this time, we are also like the roots. Allow this time to supply you. Use this time to rest and renew yourself.
This time in nature helps to open your intuition. Let it in by writing, doing meditations, being one with nature, and by simply taking the time to appreciate the changing colors around you.
It is a crucial time of year to help you manifest your desires.
When it comes to manifestation, it all starts with yourself.
You can use the power of the autumnal equinox to clear energies, recharge, and place yourself in a higher vibration that allows you to manifest better.
Get Balanced
As you go into introspection, ask yourself β How do you create a balance between your personal desires and your commitments?
See if there is a balance between them. You can draw a picture of a scale and make a list of your personal needs and commitments on each scale.
It is very likely that you will find an imbalance.
Once you identify the imbalance, find ways to achieve balance in your life. What are the things you have to let go? What are the things you want to keep?
Remember, Libra is an air sign that screams balance as represented by the scales. And under the Libra Sun, we will all have support from the universe to create a better balance in our lives.
Be one with the universe this season and get balanced.
Get Your crystals out
You are aware of the power of crystals and how you can use them to manifest. This time of year is connected to the root chakra which relates to grounding, stabilization and anchoring.
There are crystals you can use or buy for the root chakra such as moonstone, sunstone and red jasper.
If you already have any of these crystals, you can do a simple ritual that will help you clear your energies and prepare yourself for the manifestation.
Hold your crystal while closing your eyes. Think about last summer.
After that, clear your mind and imagine nothing but darkness.
Hold your crystal tightly and say, “Let go of the past and I’m excited for what’s to come.”
You can say this a few times until you feel it in your whole body and you can physically feel its energies.
It is best to keep the crystals for the next few days. By doing so, it can help you harness more energy as you enter the fall equinox.
Clear Your Space
Is there growing clutter in your home? The autumnal equinox indicates a good time to clear your space. Start de-cluttering. Donate unwanted items, organize your documents, and most importantly, let go of thoughts and people that no longer serve you.
Once you have cleared the space in your home, do not forget to smudge with sage or palo santo. As you do this, invite clarity into your space. Speak your intentions out loud for what you want to clear in your life.
Improve Your Dreams
Autumn brings with it longer nights. Therefore, it is a very good time to take advantage of your intuition or deep knowledge. You can enhance your dreams during this time by having some tools to help you such as candles, essential oils, or perhaps music that helps raise your vibrations such as The Abundance Miracle Tone.
Also, keep a journal by your bed. Use it to write down your dreams when you wake up in the morning.
Be One With Nature
The fall season is a great time to be out there. Take in the beauty of nature. Surround yourself with the beauty of the world. If you can, go to a running stream or river and walk with it. It is also a good idea to meditate there.
During this season, acknowledge the flow. This will help you move forward and help you naturally find balance. Remember, water always knows where to go. Ask yourself, how can you be more like him?
Whatever you choose to do this fall equinox, always send thanks to the universe. Well, say goodbye to summer with a grateful heart and welcome autumn with optimism.
This is a turning point, which means you are reaching a shift to a higher level of consciousness.
Be ready for it and make the most of it.