Be Like a Tree:  Flow with the Transitional Energy of October

October is one of my favorite months of the year, it always seems so full of exciting and powerful changes. Sometimes I think I can almost feel the energy of change in the crisp beginnings of teeth, Autumn winds and the smell of burning wood fires.

It is often around this time of year when I look back at what I have achieved so far and what I still want to manifest. I like to use October as a kind of spiritual check-in with myself.

Just like farmers gathering the harvest, this is a time for us to gather the fruits of our efforts and celebrate our successes while recognizing where we still need to make changes.

October is a transitory month, it is not like January where we generally feel inclined to start the new year with clear intentions, and it is still different for September, with its Equinox, which changes energies and opportunities to clean.

For me, October is a month to go with the flow.

It offers us all an opportunity to transition through life’s challenges with grace and gratitude.

Nature is leading the way in these movements, as the birds and animals begin to gather for the winter and the fruits of the harvest are ripe for plucking. Nature, as often happens, can be our greatest teacher for this reason.

In October, why not ask yourself how you can go through the transitions that come out as light, easy and joyful as possible?

I often remember how I once read about certain Native American tribes referred to trees as “one-legged.” I love that image, the tree kingdom can teach us so much about being grounded and yet able to move, change and bend in the wind without being knocked off our base.

Trees teach us about resilience, growth, and liberation. They teach us to be grounded, to grow our roots and still reach for the sky.

Go out and look for your nearest tree! Whether you live near a forest, woods, park or just a city street where there are trees. Observe the trees for a few minutes, noticing their qualities and appreciating their nature. Then consider the following:

Here are some powerful ways you can channel the wisdom and energy of trees and experience great joy in October.

1. Learn to move without falling

What would life be without unexpected challenges and obstacles? Life itself is change and unpredictability. Even the most predictable days have the unexpected in them.

Think of something in your life that you can learn to go with the flow around you without losing your composure or focus.

Whatever that thing is, the next time you think about it or the next time it starts to cause you anxiety, imagine yourself like a tree, bending and moving in the wind but never falling. You are able to see the coming and going of the seasons, the sun and the rain, and stay grounded, connected to your inner stability.

2. Learn not to be afraid to let go

Trees voluntarily give up their leaves every Fall without resistance. There are great lessons for us contained in that surrender. What would it be like to let things leave your life easily and without struggle?

What do you need to let go today? This month? This year? Learn from the trees and practice letting go of things you know in your heart that you can no longer cling to.

The fear of loss and letting go is present in most people, we all have to experience it. It is an integral part of life. Once you surrender to change and the natural cycles of things, you learn that far from losing you are actually creating space for the new.

3. Ground yourself in the stillness of the present

Trees are, by their nature, rooted. Their root systems are vast and still largely unseen. Trees are incredibly silent, strong and quiet.

There is much for us to learn from this stillness. Sometimes when we are afraid or indecisive, we can jump to take the wrong kind of action. Trees can teach us in those moments about the value of not doing and just being.

The next time you feel compelled to react or lash out in retaliation, stop, take a few moments to be still and just feel, listen and be still. You may find that you completely change your mind about your next actions.

4. Don’t be afraid to take up space

Sometimes we keep ourselves small because life feels more comfortable that way. We don’t realize that when we don’t take up space, we are reducing our own light in the world, shrinking instead of being as big as we need to show our gifts. Perhaps this manifests as seeking external validation or not having the confidence to speak your truth.

The trees, you will notice that they are completely unapologetic about the space they take up. There is no shrinking to fit in or apologizing for being big and stretched. Trees are who they are, and that’s what’s so beautiful about them.

In what ways can you be more than you are? In what ways can you learn to be powerful in your space?

Let the moving winds of October blow you around as much as they will without ever forgetting your true and intuitive nature.

Use this month to own your power and learn to move through life’s changes with ease, stability and gratitude.

“If we surrender to the intelligence of the Earth, we can stand up with roots like trees.”

Rainer Maria Rilke