Clearing Out Past Baggage to Make Room for Prosperity and Growth

Are you tired of living the same old story, day in and day out?

Feeling stuck in a routine and unable to make the necessary changes?

It’s time to break free and manifest the abundant life you truly desire.

The world you experience is a reflection of your thoughts and feelings.

Your long-held beliefs and thought patterns have shaped your reality. But what if you could change that?

If you have a burning desire to create a different experience, it’s important to examine the choices and observations you’ve made along the way.

These conscious or unconscious decisions have contributed to your current reality.

Perhaps you find yourself hitting the snooze button each morning, lacking motivation, and feeling frustrated.

You have something valuable to offer the world, but life keeps getting in the way. It’s time to let go of the limiting beliefs that hold you back.

We all have our version of the story that keeps us stuck. Whether it’s feeling “not good enough” or thinking we lack the means or time to pursue our dreams.

It’s time to break free from these self-imposed limitations.

It’s exhausting to keep repeating the same complaints and feeling like life is just a series of motions. But here’s the thing – you have the power to change your story.

You can release and surrender your old stories, repetitive cycles, and negative habits. But first, you must identify what they are and be willing to make new decisions and take new actions.

Don’t underestimate the power of a single decision. You are just one choice away from everything you’ve ever wanted.

It’s time to clear away the thoughts and feelings that have clouded your connection with the divine.

Remember, you are a limitless being in this Universe, capable of manifesting whatever you desire.

So let go of your old story and step into a new narrative. Embrace the possibilities that await you.

Your abundant life is just a decision away.

Follow these steps: 

  1. Decide on the main story that keeps you from living an abundant life. Write it out and get very clear on all the details of that story. You can do this as often as you like and apply it to different cycles where you find yourself stuck. 

For example, my story is that I procrastinate too much and I am not talented or educated enough to truly follow my passion and make money doing it. Who would want to pay me for my work?

There are so many people better at it than me, I have started too late, etc., etc. 

  1. Now you are going to honor your story. Understand why it came about and feel any painful emotions that may arise around this story of yours. Give yourself time to mourn this story because you are going to let it go forever now! 
  1. Be still and take some deep, long breaths. Bring yourself into a place of deep peace.
  2. Feel a strong sense of yourself here and now. 
  1. Now write down a new story, a story that tells the opposite of the old one, make sure you write it in the present tense. 

You can also write down an affirmation or mantra such as: 

I no longer need this old story in my life, it is time to let it go and release any attachments I have to it.

It does not define me anymore. It is not in alignment with who I am now. 

If this story, thoughts, and feelings around it start to rise in me, I am going to remember to shift my focus toward my new story.

I will remember that these are old stories that only hold me back from my true self and authentic soul energy. 

Try to define some key priorities or actions that are in alignment with your new story.

Anything you can change will help you make this big energy shift toward clearing the space for all that you desire. 

To release, you need first to accept your old story, be open to changing it, and then redirect your energy and attention towards a new story. 

It takes time to work, but after following this exercise, you will notice significant changes over the weeks that follow. 

You will no longer regurgitate the same old story, you will have released the past and be ready to welcome a new abundant reality.