Connect to the Manifestation Magic of 11/11 this November 11th

You probably know that 11/11 is a magical angel number that can signify alignment with your desires and manifestations. 

Well, on the 11th day of the 11th month (aka November 11th), the power of this number pattern is activated! 

Don’t let the magical energy of this day go by without taking advantage of its powerful frequency for manifesting. 

When you see 11:11 it can mean lots of different things depending on your situation. Generally, it is associated with being on the right track, in alignment with your highest path. It can also symbolize your spirit guides or angels saying hello, and letting you know you’re doing great.

It can also mean that your manifestations are on their way soon! 

Whatever it means to you, November 11 is an auspicious day to go deep into gratitude and intention-setting work. 

It’s the perfect day to reflect on your biggest dreams and visions for the life you want to live. Think about the kind of person you want to be, the goals you have, the things you wish to achieve, and the dreams you long to come true. 

What is stopping you from believing in yourself to achieve that vision? 

Take the power of November 11th to align your energetic frequency with the things you desire and do some manifestation rituals. 

Here is a simple manifestation ritual to harness the power of 11:11 

This manifestation ritual is all about connecting to the energy of your future abundant self. 

For extra magical results do this ritual at 11:11 in the morning or the night of November 11th. 

You will need: A candle, cleansing items, a notepad and pen, and a timer. 

Find a quiet space where you can be alone, comfortable, and undisturbed. 

Cleanse that space with your incense, sage, palo santo, or with an essential oil diffuser. 

Give thanks to the Universe for helping you on this day. You can light a candle or say a quiet prayer of gratitude, whatever feels right to you. 

Step One:

Set your time for 11 minutes.

 Do a free-flow writing session based on the vision you have for your life. Imagine how it will feel to be already living your new reality. 

Focus on the details of how you will feel, and the things you will observe, see, think, and experience in your vision. 

 Let your higher self express all of this on the page for these 11 minutes. 

Step Two:

Once the timer goes off, you can set it again for 11 minutes as you meditate and reflect on what you have written. 

Read through each word and visualize what it is to be living inside that reality. 

Go through the motions of pretending you are already in that future. 

Your body will begin to experience what it feels like as this future version of yourself and you will draw that reality into your experience faster. 

Step Three:

Create 3 – 5 sentences that express the things that you would like to experience in the present tense and use ‘I am.”

For example: 

I am lying in the bed of my new beach house. 

I am writing my new novel. 

I am waking up next to my soul mate. 

You can use these I am sentences to tune into the vibrational essence of your desires and magnetize your manifestations towards you. 

The most important thing is to tap into the magic of this powerful day, and move forward with clarity and purpose to create your best life!