Crush Your Fears: The Ritual to Inner Peace

In these unprecedented times, it’s natural to experience a mix of emotions, including sadness and frustration, as we adapt to the temporary changes and limitations affecting our lives.

However, it’s important to recognize that feelings of grief and fear should not overpower us for an extended period.

Dwelling on fear not only weakens our immune system but can also lower our overall frequency of vibration.

Fortunately, conquering fear is something we can actively pursue in each present moment.

We all possess the power to rewrite our narratives whenever we choose.

By simply bringing ourselves into the present moment, we can effectively release fear from our minds.

While meditation is undoubtedly an excellent practice to cultivate present-moment awareness, there are also small mindful activities you can incorporate into your daily routine to fully engage with the here and now.

Take a moment to ground yourself, feeling the solidness of your feet on the ground, taking deep breaths, and consciously observing your surroundings—every sound, every movement, every detail.

This is a powerful practice to adopt whenever fear enters your thoughts.

By staying present, we can let go of fear and regain a sense of empowerment and clarity.

I’ve created my very own fear-busting ritual during this quarantine and I want to share it with you. 

First, I use essential oil to clear away negative energies, then I burn the oil in a diffuser or I sprinkle some drops over myself.

I repeat my favorite fear-busting affirmations and I sit in the present moment until I feel ready to fearlessly start the day. 

Let me take you through my ritual step by step. 

STEP ONE: Choose from the following essential oils

Lavender: Soothing and calming, helps clear away all negativity from your space. 

Rose: An oil with a very high vibrational frequency to boost your mood. 

Frankincense: A purifying oil for dissolving negative influences from your physical body, space, and aura. 

Sage: An oil that neutralizes existing negativity and can act as a protective shield against fear and anxiety. 

Peppermint: Cleanses and clears tension and negativity while also relaxing you and increasing concentration and mental focus. 

Cedarwood: Boosts your inner strength and spirituality, helpful in warding off negative energies. 

Myrrh: Can purify your environment and when mixed with other oil essences, can increase their 


STEP TWO: Next, choose from these affirmations, or create your own. 

Fear- releasing Affirmations: 

Today is a new day and I am not afraid. 

My fear is not real.

When I am fully present, my fear disappears. 

When I am fully engaged in each task, there is no fear.

I am not afraid of the future.

I am not attached to imaginary fear. 

I refuse to be controlled by an imaginary fear

I see so much beauty in the world 

I feel positive thoughts most of the time.

There are wonderful things happening in my life

I am so grateful for my abundance. 

I am full of positive energy and light.

Today I have no fear

I am writing a new story without fear.

I trust in myself and have faith 

I connect to my soul and I am never afraid. 

STEP THREE: Now, With your chosen essential oil, and your list of affirmations, sit somewhere quiet and peaceful.

Repeat your affirmations slowly to yourself, five times each. 

Sit quietly for several minutes and feel the power of each affirmation.

The energy of your positive words and the potent aromas of the essential oil are powerful ways to begin the day. 

I do this every morning and it helps me to feel grounded and stay connected all day long. 

This ritual will make you feel energized and ready to take on anything that comes your way. 

Fear is not yours to hold onto, so release it. Set it free. Don’t let it rule your life. Fear does not have to come anywhere near you or your life if you don’t want it to.